
Thursday 6 December 2018

Move To Improve (Presenatation)

Hi, Y'all I'm back again for another blog. so you all know that we are doing a passion project for about 4 weeks( 2 days per week ). I enjoy doing it neither my friends because it may help us in the future to be fitter and healthier eater but not for only me but every single person who did this project.I'm back again because I want to share what we've learned for a couple a weeks ago on MOVE- TO-IMPROVE.So Mr.Hillard give us a task to every single group to create a 2-minute video/presentation to what we've learned and here is what we created:

Monday 3 December 2018

Move To Improve (Goal Setting)

My Goal Setting

Overall Health
  • To lose weight 
  • To improve muscle mass 
  • Learn how to eat healthy foods that are gonna help me in the future
What should the average of 15 years old female be eating in a day?

How many calories do you need per day?
- To people who are moderately active needs 2000 to 2,400 calories per day.
- To people  who aren't very active and not really doing activities daily needs about 1,800 calories.

How much protein, carbohydrates and fat do you need?
- 46 grams of protein is needed each day for a 15 year old female.
- 50% to 60% of carbohydrates (1,080 calories) should be in a 15 year old female.
- Nothing more than 30% of fats (540 calories) should be in a 15 year old female.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Free Writting

C-R-U-S-H Crush
... Crush!

One word that you think is worthless
Imagine you
You can not take it
You think that's just a simple word.

But you did not go through your heart and mind

That might hurt your character
Destroy your future Slow down your sleeping heart. But no matter how painful he was
It can not be avoided as it brings joy,
love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, day and night.
I'm not restless every minute I'm not with him I want him to come home and sleep in a bed.

Unexpected Wealth

One hot, sunny and beautiful day here in my grandparent's house they wake me up the sun is so bright it hurts my eyes, they said to me at that moment that it was already 10:00 am and still, I'm lying on my bed it's pretty hard for me to wake up I was so tired that time.....But before I tell you what happens last night let me just tell you what brings me here to move to my grandparent's house.

(My life before when I wasn't at my grandparent's house)

Before I moved to my grandparent's house my life before is kind off mournful you wanna know why? Because my parents always left me at our house because of their work. So I understand why they have to do this it's for my school and my future as a daughter it was so tough for me to see that they were so busy day and night and actually don't have enough time for me and to have some special bonding with us three but it never happened. I hope they will also have some free time for me even though that they  were so busy...but one day I woke up with the scream I hurriedly ran out to see what happen, I saw my mom crying so hard and I asked her what happen she replied to me that something happens to your father and it was really i asked her why what happens to my dad my mom replied to me that my father has stage 4  cancer and if he's not healed he may die and I don't want that happen..At that time my mom has to leave because of the work she asked me if I can stay at the hospital also to look after to my father I was so tired that time and I have no idea how did I go to my grandparents I think they visit my dad and saw me already fell asleep and bring home to their house...When I woke up I've surprised that I'm at my grandparent's house I asked them how did I go here they said we picked you up on the hospital to sleep here and I said ok I quickly ran going to  the garage and to drove all the way to the hospital when I turn on the lights I saw this box which is black I'm thinking what is inside of this box I get the box and see what's inside and I saw that there is a lot of money in there I thank god for what he has done to me and gave me this box of money this might be the solution to our problem this might help my father who was ill that time I asked my grandparents if they know who is the owner of this box they have no idea who is the owner of this they said to me that box of money should be the solution to your problem I quickly grabbed it and bring to the hospital but I was so late that time I ran to my mom just to said what I've got she said to me it was so late my father die I cried out that time I don' know what to do I asked god why did you do this me and why you sent me a box of money that is gonna not help for my father. I was so wrong I trust you and didn't hear my hope that to spend more time with my father . My mom asked me if we can just donate the money on the box on a cancer foundation I said yeah it was a great idea mom we can actually help others by doing it...The day has come we have to go and donate the money on a foundation I was excited and courage that I'm gonna help them by just donating the money that I saw on my grandparent's garage. 

Tuesday 13 November 2018

This is my life

This is my Life

This photo is when my parents preparing for my first christening and they took a photo of me, I have no idea about what I was doing this time.

My mom holding me so tight that time and wanted me to sit on a jeep (It's a Philippines transportation).

This is my first Christmas, with my family but it's not really completed because my father is not there.

This is my first time that I hold a baby for my entire life and it's also my cousin.

At this moment I spend my last moment with my dad because he is going back again to South Korea to work.

On this photo It's my 7th birthday party.

As a part of a Philippine tradition, we always celebrate Christmas together but on this photo, we are not complete yet because my other cousins are on Guam.

On this photo, I think this is the best day of my life and unfortunately, kind of sad because this is the first time that we are complete as a family and also sad because after we have a small gathering my grandfather died.

On this photo finally, I graduated as a student at year 6.

This is the last photo that I have with my family before we move here in New Zealand.

Monday 12 November 2018

Move To Improve

Hi, guys, today is our First day of Passion Project I've become so excited and interest to what we did today

1. Why have you chosen this project and what do you hope to achieve?
I have chosen project this is because I want to improve myself how to be fit and to be more healthy and lastly to try something new that I haven't done before.

2. What are some activities that you would like to do and/or things you would like to learn as a part of your Passion Project?
  1. To be fit and healthy
  2. To eat and cook healthy foods

What are your results from the fitness tests you have completed today?

  • Speed

Flying 30 metres sprint
6.20 sec
13.25 sec

  • Power

Horizontal jump

  • Vertical jump


  • Flexibility

Sit & reach test

  • Balance

Standing stork test
Right: 9.68
Left: 7.07

  • Muscular Endurance

NCF abdominal conditioning test


Friday 9 November 2018

King of Excuses

  • Why your sibling is the most annoying creature on the planet

You're the one and only that I hate
You're making me always late
This is because you're always asking me for a help
Do I look like your slave? Or a maid

We should love each other
Not teasing other like other creatures out there
You make me feel that I'm the worse sister that you have
In your, life but you're the one who makes my life miserable

Should we always do this fight against each other for a nonsense reason
But I think sometimes you're the most annoying creature in the world
I think i just have to be thankful that your brother
Even though we fight you always save me if someone is bullying me
Care for me when i'm sick and love me always

Thursday 1 November 2018

Horror Camping Trip

We were all just having a great time, trying to scare each other and tell each other secrets. I couldn't believe what she told us none of us could believe. Most of us tried to understand it.

I was sharing a tent with Althea the girl who revealed her deepest and darkest secret. I guess you could say I was scared that time by what she had said and that I didn't wanna share a tent with her. After talking with her for a while we both decided we would go to sleep. I wipe off my fears and the horrible thoughts going through my head is crazy. I accidentally fell asleep

I think it was 3 hours into my sleep when I got woke up by some strange noise by outside. I listened carefully for about 10 minutes, it was so scary that time It came and then faded away. Strangely enough, it sounded like a baby crying. I wondered if it was one of the other girls that were camping with us but this sounded like it was a newly born baby, not some 16-year-old teenager. I peeped out my tent and saw nothing but darkness. I grabbed a flashlight and made my way out of the tent.

I was walking towards to others tent around on the camping spot I came to stop for a while when I saw a white figure it looked like a little just kneeling down. She wasn't facing my way but facing the trees. I stop for a second and trying to think that this is not a ghost. I ask myself to what Althea talk to me before. I quickly ran to go tell the others, as I ran back to their tents I heard some boys laughing behind me and footsteps getting faster and faster. I suddenly reached the boy's tent and I opened it up. They woke up with such shocked impressions across there faces. 

They didn't know what was going on, but they knew by my face that something was wrong. After five minutes I had told everyone what I saw. Most of them believed me apart from Stephen.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Absurb Warnings

Social Media 

Warning: using Social Media can make me you addicted and you can get so much sick and get you ill as a result of this many people forgot to eat,sleep,study/work and as a result of this people got a seizure sometimes might be a cause of your death. So now reduce so much using it and being addicted to it. Just spend your time with your family, friends and many more remember this life is worth it more than any else.

Sentence Starter Writing

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility "

With the help of my friends they make me feel so special help with my problems to solve it. Great friendship among us three is really unbelievable that even the most stronger earthquake will never break us. the Power of love that they show and give to one another is unconditional loves. I felt like being as a bear also made as Comes as a person that has also a lot of terms and conditions about our friendship. Being passionate about our friendship brings a lot of Great experience and opportunities to really test our friendship but also it brings a lot of Responsibility for us to help with each others problem and love each other.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Show Don't Tell

Totally Unexpected
Meeting with our different two worlds
There is only one link
It sounds like the sound of it

Is not there enough pain and everything?
That I will never share with you
Your eye reveals you
Cries of love

Why not
The loss is missing
We hope that we can still see each other
From North to West
You are the destination of my life 
And as your refuge
I will rescue you

Where are you going?
Bare and mysterious
The storm of destiny is crazy
I'm bringing you the heat of my arm

Friday 12 October 2018

Robotics Vs Mechatronics

Art Blog

She had a galaxy in her eyes, A universe in her mind...

In Art, we make some intaglio for the last week of term, btw what is different of lino-block printmaking or drypoint. Which did you prefer? Why? - Lino printing is a relief kind of printmaking then drypoint is an intaglio. But the most noticeable difference between lino and drypoint is the materials that we use, for example, the way we cut the plates and such. In lino printing, we use a lino-block, it's a hard material. However, in drypoint, we use plexiglass soft and smooth the lines and burr are very fragile too. Personally, I prefer doing lino. I felt confident doing them compared to drypoint because if you made a mistake in drypoint, you could find a way to get around it and fix it unlike in lino prints. You also need some skill if you're applying ink on lino.

The 6 Sentences Story

Once upon a time, there was a kid name Filius, She is born in a really small town which they called Ravenclaw village?. They called it Ravenclaw because of a man who bought the village was a really a fan of a Harry Potter books and also movies. Filius has a special talent even though she can't see she can paint and play the piano. Until one beautiful sunny day her parents abduct her on a one darkness forest which you cannot find anyone in there, Filius was shocked at that moment she has no idea why she was there she'd asked her parents "Ma, Pa why were here what are we doing here", Her parents replied we gonna leave you here cause your useless to our family your talent is not much for our family. Filius felt that time was sad and angriness she thinks this why her parents left me here because I can't see and my talent is just painting and playing piano but why would they do that to their daughter should I blame myself or my parents to what they have done for me. One day I was walking towards to see if the forest has something on it and hiding in a very dangerous place or scary I saw this house with some people talking inside on it I knock on the door and also to ask if I can stay here forever and they open the door and answered my question they said I can stay here forever and they've even asked if it's ok that I can be their child too I also said yes and said to them, that my parents abandon me in the middle of the forest because of how much useless I am to my former family, They said everyone is not useless any people have a different sort of talents that you will never compare to one another even though you can't see your talented so much for us.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Life After Technology

Life After Technology

Isn’t really a life at all because nowadays technology is life.
Why chat in person when I can chat online
After all, I have more friends on Facebook than I do in “real life.”

 Our world is so digital.
Critical thinking is no longer a necessity.Reality is now confined in an
Eighty inches by forty inch HD TV. We can’t see.
We are blinded by the light that comes from our phones. A home
Is now just a button we press. To escape the mess of a Multi-tasking establishment.

I fear that we will never hear the rustling of papers and leaves
Because we’ll be too busy typing away At our keyboards.
Before, children used to play outside, In the snow and in the sand.
But now, kids half my age Do those same things on an iPad.

Kids will never learn to surf the ocean waves
Because they’re too busy surfing from page to page
On the World Wide Web. It’s like a spider that has injected its venom,
A virus that’s crawling its way to our

God-given hard drive. We have forgotten what it feels like to live our lives offline.
We can no longer recall The sound of shoes against the asphalt
Because by the time we’re out the door, We’re already listening to our iPods.

 We only converse with Siri: “Speak to text”, “search the web”, “can you give me directions?”
I’ve shunned both Mother Nature and Father Time in the face.
But I can just face-time to replace The old-fashioned face-to-face social interaction
That my generation had erased from their lives.

We can no longer recall The sound of cracking branches before they fall
Because we’re too busy watching videos go viral. We tweet one another
More than baby birds tweet for their mothers. We stare into Windows and communicate through Apple
Instead of staring out of windows and giving each other apples.

 The mornings have gotten dark and cold,
But we’re too distracted by the apps on our phones. We’re mesmerized, hypnotized, satisfied
By a two-by-four block of metal that sits in our pockets. We settle for something that cannot love us back. Emotion is the one thing that technology lacks.

As humans, we were born with this quality,
But our brains have been programmed to believe. That technology is our reality.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Creative Writting

Chocolate Pool

I never imagined how it feels like when i fall into a giant pool which i can’t explain what does it look like i never fall into that giant pool  in my whole life,when i fall down onto giant pool.I can smell a dark cocoa which is i can smell in all over the pool it make me interested what this all about it made me think that this is a just a dream, i pinch myself to wake up and face whether it’s true or not.I saw a man who was wearing all white clothes on the giant pool he offered me to taste some inside that pool, i was confused why he wants me to try it i refuse on the first place to taste it because of what may happen to me that it might be poisonous and it might cause my death he still didn’t give up on  me to taste it he forced me to try it once for my life i tried it tastes really sweet it bring back to me again when i taste it when i was a kid.

It was good that you thought something outside the box. It would be better if you finished your story and the sentence structure is organized.

Creative Writing With 4 People

Maybe this is the worst thing to have experienced in my life especially it’s on valentines. I’m Annika this might be the worst Valentine that I have experienced its when i was on the mall at 1:00 pm. I was going to meet with my best friends and we are going to celebrate Valentine’s day at the park. The park is the loving place we always go to. As I was waiting for them, somebody flicked my ear. What the hell? Who was it?. I turned to look who did that and I saw someone running away, which I supposed the person flicked me.

They made me run after them, but I’m metamorphoses. I only know that if I fall on you your definitely not going to the sky. I finally catch you, white mask and all, you bring with you the pain of all my other wives, and girlfriends. Now I’m going to give it to you. Zips are pulled down, and regret is not given.

He had tried but I was stubborn, He had tried so hard, I had to find something to teach this dude some manners, I had learned some fighting skills of a random old man in class a while ago and I had decided to try it. I had put all these skills to use and took his knife off him and started stabbing him, This was something he deserved I thought in my head I had wanted no one else to experience the pain. 

Growing Nz Innovation Challenge

 Growing Nz Innovation Challenge 


Hi guys! I'm now writing a blog post for this topic on DTE which is "Growing Nz Innovation Challenge".For the past few weeks on DTE. This term Me, Vince, And Lindley was put in a group for this topic our problem is to find a solution for the farmers which is "Maintaining Water Supply" and also to create something new which may help a lot of farmers. We supposed to find a solution on pipe leaks and breaks. It took us almost 5 weeks just to make this project and on that 5 weeks, we supposed to find and make a solution on how we are going to help the farmers solve their problem. We learn a lot of new things about this topic and problem.


Just what I said before our chosen topic is "Maintaining Water Supply".We chose this because every farmer in the global world is experiencing this problem not like just here in New Zealand that can experience this And we also chose this topic because we are getting heaps of ideas on it, we also think that we can really learn something about this problem. Every topic has a lot of different challenges you had to face off. For this topic, the challenge we face to is to"create a new way for farmers to quickly identify that there is a problem with the pipes and locate where it is".

In our first lesson on this topic, Mr.Carter sent us a video to watch related to this topic that we choose so that's why we can get some ideas about this topic. After that, Mr.Carter told us to choose an enabler that we are going to use on what are we going to make. We really had to think what we gonna choose because once you picked the wrong or the right one it might make cause a lot of problems or not and also might be not helpful or helpful for the farmers we think it really smartly. The two enablers that we choose is "Nanotechnology" and "Network and Sensors"

We picked "Network And Sensors" because we have to use the "Sensor" for our design to detect the leak on the pipes. The other thing also is "Network" we are using the network to email or notify the farmer that there was a leak on the pipes. And last but not the least is the "Nanotechnology"

Once we decided what enablers are we going to use. So me and my group have got a little discussion on what we are going to make. We had a lot of ideas for this but we only choose one. After we had a discussion, we agreed on one design, and that is Lindley's design. His design is going to be a tube looking with a sensor, network, and a nanotechnology. This tube was going to be installed around the water pipes.

Here is how our design will work. When the sensor detects a leak, it will send a message to the farmer/s that there is a leak on one of the pipes. When the farmer received the message, farmer/s will send the nanotech to fix the broken pipes.

When we had an idea we went to "Tinkercad" to create our design. It took us about 3-4 weeks to create and finish the design. Here is what our prototype looks like.

This is the prototype that Vince and Lindley built in Tinkercad. I know it has heaps of things going on with it, so let me describe it to you. The big orange tube is the water leak detector and the little yellow circle beside it is the sensor. The tube has 2 wires attached to it. These two wires are separated because once it meets each other it will activate the alarm. Electricity moves in water, so when water touches the two wires. The water will connect the two wires and be turning the alarm on.


In the last two weeks, we've been told to make a presentation about our topic. We will be presenting it to the whole class. Me and Vince are the ones who make our presentation on "Prezi" while Lindley is the making our notes.

Here is the link to the presentation that we made about our topic. Click Me If You Want To See Our Presentation :>

What can you say about our prototype? Can this will help a lot of farmers out there?

Monday 24 September 2018

Weather With You

Weather With You 

I looked out the window. The sky greyish and the large clouds were moving towards me. I heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter patter. People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.
                                           Image result for a girl looking out the window with heavy rains outside

Joints Problem

Joint Problems
Causes & Symptoms
Visit the Arthritis topic for more information on osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

You may be more likely to develop joint problems if you have certain risk factors such as:

A family history of arthritis (arthritis in parents or siblings)
Older age
Being female (higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis) or male (higher risk of gout)
Previous joint injuries
Being overweight or obese

In arthritic joints, your protective cartilage disappears, allowing small fractures and pits to appear on bone surfaces and causing painful bone-on-bone friction. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of a lifetime of wear and tear.  Nerves under the cartilage become irritated and muscles and tendons may become inflamed. Past injuries or infections can also lead to arthritis in the affected joint.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
In this condition, your body’s immune system attacks joint tissues, causing eventual destruction of the cartilage and bone along with the membranes. Blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves, as well as other organs, may also be damaged.

Gout and Pseudogout
These two conditions are caused by a build-up of crystals from your bloodstream that collects in your joints – often in a single joint such as the knee or big toe. Uric acid crystals are responsible in gout, while in pseudogout, the culprit is calcium pyrophosphate crystals. These conditions may be linked to kidney disease or other conditions, certain medications, diet, too much alcohol intake, injuries, infection, or heredity.

Bursitis is caused by inflamed bursae (plural of bursa). The bursa is a protective sac around some joints including the shoulder and elbow. Bursitis may be caused by overuse or stress on the joint. In older people, it may accompany osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or pseudogout.  The most commonly involved bursae are around the shoulder, elbow, and knees.

There is no known cause for fibromyalgia, but there may be genetic and environmental components involved.

Rotator Cuff Injuries
Injuries to the rotator cuff are usually the result of years of stress on the muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint, but your genes may also play a role in making you more susceptible.

Frozen Shoulder
A frozen shoulder occurs when the ligaments in the shoulder joint become inflamed and develop tiny scars as they heal, which makes them seem “glued together,” which causes the “freezing” of the shoulder. The changes that come from aging, such as reduced production of lubricating fluid in the joint or worsening arthritis may contribute to it, but it mostly comes from lack of use of the shoulder because of chronic pain or damage.

Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon or the protective synovial membrane around a tendon. It is caused by overuse of the joint in younger people, but older people are at higher risk because tendons get less flexible and more vulnerable to stress with age.   Commonly involved tendons include those around the shoulder, elbow, and base of the thumb.

Why is cartilage is important?
Cartilage connective tissue is important because it provides support, but is less rigid than bone. It also allows for some flexibility of movement but has more stability than muscle. The extracellular matrix of cartilage is produced by cells called chondroblasts.

4 items 1 paragraph

A few days from now I'll be turning thirteen I'm finally in my teenage years, I was really excited that time this is because I'm thinking about what my parents are gonna give a present for me this year because last year I receive a camera which I really like I'm been using it anywhere where I go, But this year I'm hoping that I can receive a ticket for a concert to my favorite boy band I'm wishing I can get it......Until the day has come when I realized that this day is now my birthday, I'm a bit surprised that my parents and my family are not preparing anything for a party like I've experienced for a past year it seems new to me. I wonder what is going on now I message my brother if he knows something that my parents he didn't reply to me, I even call him and he's not even answering I waited for a few hours until my parents call me and ask me where I was on that time, I said I'm at home waiting for you I ask where they are my mom saying we are in a restaurant you should come now..Then suddenly somebody picks me up at our house when we are on way to the restaurant I feel so hot that time I open the window on the car I saw something which is flowing inside our car it's a paper i hurriedly took it so that's why i can look at it. It looks like a ticket and it was a BTS concert ticket I was jumping into our car because of the excitement...We came to the restaurant I saw that it seems nobody is there my brother called me that he was inside in the restaurant I go inside it was totally dark then I was so surprised that my whole family and friends were there they really surprised me.
I actually bit sad and happy that time first I thought my parents forgot my birthday secondly I felt so warm and happy that they planned this surprise party for me. My parents gave me something it's a present that I'm waiting for I was so excited that time what present might be inside of it there was a box I opened it and I receive an army bomb that I haven't had before. I think this is the best day of my life that I've experienced.

Image result for teenage birthday themesImage result for army bomb ver 3Image result for presentImage result for a ticket

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Can Do Tasks #4

WRITING - Life in the fairgrounds is unpleasant. Choose to write either a day in the life of someone at the fairgrounds or a conversation between two captives at the fairgrounds as they plan an escape.

A Wonderful Day At The Fairgrounds 
Hi there my name is Abigail and I'm from Ohio and today you will read my story about my wonderful day at a fairground, So here is a little short story for what I never experienced before. Me and my friends are planning to go on a huge fairground which is far from us about 50km from our house. I was so excited about our trip because I never been on a fairground for the rest of my whole life, My friends are saying to me that fairground is really fun but sometimes is a little bit scary because of some rides which are terrifying this is my first time that I will try some rides at the fairground, Obviously I'm a little bit nervous and scary for what I heard. Then we finally arrived at the fairground I was totally amazed and impressed with what I have seen, When we are walking ahead I saw a candy floss selling different designs of candy floss there was a panda, pig, koala, and a bunny. I said to myself that this is the best cotton candy that I have seen and eat of my whole life. Me and my friend ride on a carousel I always telling to my friends that this is the best day of my life that I have experienced. We continue riding some rides are on the fairground we try Rollercoaster, Ferris wheel, Drop Tower, Bump Cars And Also the scariest one is Pendulum ride. We even saw fireworks that night I told my friends that I don't wanna go home. I just want to say here for the rest of my life my friends keep saying to me that I can't stay in their instead we can visit here for next year's fairground. I think this is the best and wonderful day of my life that I have ever experienced.

RESEARCH- “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. Find out why oxymorons are used for. Find five more examples of Oxymorons that are used in the ‘real world’ and give their meanings. Have a go at creating your own oxymorons.

Oxymoron: This is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction for example faith, unfaithful kept him falsely true.

  • There is a real love-hate relationship developing between the two of them.
  • Her singing was enough to raise the living dead.
  • I let out a silent scream as the cat walked through the door carrying a dead bird.

Friday 27 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Can Do Tasks #3

MUSICAL- When back in Hell it is important for the teenagers to relax and recuperate. Create a playlist of songs for one of the characters that you think would suit their personality. Give a reason for each some choice and a link for your viewers to go and listen to.

The person I choose is Robyn Mathers this is because she is a lovable person, caring for others and lastly is she has a lot of respect for the older person who and which is she/he talking too.
And also I've been chosen a song that is gonna suit for Robyn's Personality. The first one that I choose is You Belong With Me By. Taylor Swift, the Second One is Grenade By Bruno Mars And the last one is will definitely Who Says By Selena Gomez Because this explains her personality so I have chosen this because it really suits her and fit for her.

VOCABULARY- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious, Evasion, Impenetrable, Patriotic, Reconnaissance, Inaccessible, Gaunt, Conscript

Manoeuvre-This is a movement or series of moves requiring skills and care.
Inconspicuous-This means a not clearly visible or attracting attention.
Surreptitious-This means you keeping a secret especially it would not be approved by someone.
Evasion-This is an action of invading something. 
Impenetrable-This means impossible things cannot pass through or to enter.
Patriotic-This means having or expressing being devoted and vigorous for one's country.
Reconnaissance-This means a military observation or a room which can locate the region of the enemy or strategic features
Inaccessible-This means you will not be able to reach someone or something.
Gaunt-This means that someone who is being haggard or lean because of suffering from hunger, or thirst.
Conscript-This means someone is being enlisted or compulsory.

Monday 23 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Can Do Task #2

RESEARCH -Australia has been invaded. Research and create a list of reasons why Australia would be a good target for invasion. Consider resources, land mass, climate etc. 

  • Geographic isolation and relatively Small Military
  • Australian Defence Force
  • The Soryu class submarine
  • The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Underestimate, Itinerary, Improvise, Motivate, Conspicuous, Feeble, Delirious, Sentry, Agonise, Famine

Underestimate-This means estimating something to be smaller or less important than it really is.
Itinerary-It means a planned route of the journey.
Improvise-This means producing or making something from whatever is only available.
Motivate-This means cause someone to have interest in or enthusiasm for something
Conspicuous-It means attracting notice or attention.
Feeble-This means lacking physical strength especially as a result of age or illness 
Delirious-This means in an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence
Sentry-This means a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to one place.
Agonise-This means undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.
Famine-This means extreme scarcity of food.

Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When War Began Can Do Tasks

Can Do Tasks
VOCABULARY- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Chronological, Authority, Alternatives, Gratification, Obstinate, Hoist, Unsympathetic, Scrutinising, Commemoration, Hysterically, Concealed

Chronological-It means the following someone orders which they can occur.
Authority-This means someone has a power of right to give an order or being politically and control others.
Alternatives-It means you can choice or option to have something.
Gratification-This means being a pleasure when someone gained a satisfaction for a desire.
Obstinate-Someone refused can change other opinion or decision or she/he chose a course of action.
Hoist-This is something is being raised a pulley or ropes and etc.
Unsympathetic-This means someone is showing approval to one another.
Scrutinizing-It means examining or inspecting something.
Commemoration-This is a ceremony or a celebration of a dead person or an event is to be a remembered.
Hysterically-It used to emphasize something how funny is.
Concealed-This means keeping a secret or a hidden.

RESEARCH - While Ellie and her friends are in Hell, the rest of the town is celebrating Commemoration Day. Research and create a brochure/poster/guide for someone visiting Australia about Australia Day. (what is it, how is it celebrated, history, traditions)

Tomorrow When The War Began 21 To Epilogue

Chapter Twenty-One
What is it that primarily attracts Fi to Homer?
How mature he has become.
What are Fi’s intentions regarding Homer?
Fi wants to learn all she can about farming so that when they get married she can help him.
Why does this surprise, Ellie?
Because she realized why she was so attracted to Homer. She doesn't want to lose him as he is like a brother to her.
How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings?
They were both elated.
Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
To stop the soldiers from delivering things to other towns because the bridge is the gateway to other towns.
How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?
It is more dangerous and they have more of a chance of being caught or killed.

Chapter Twenty-Two
What do Ellie and the others see in Ellie’s shed when they ride up her driveway?
They see Kevin, Robyn, Chris, and Corrie but Corrie has been shot in the back.
What does Ellie compare this scene with? Why do you think she does this?
What I saw there was like one of those Christmas tableaus at church, with Joseph and Mary and the shepherds and stuff.
What does Homer suggest the group does?
That someone drives her up to the hospital rings the bell and abandons her at the gate because 7 is better than 6.
What does Kevin decide to do? What does this reveal about him?
He decides to go with Corrie to the hospital, That he really is caring and brave and it shows how much he loves Corrie.

What is Ellie’s concern about her story?
She's scared that the others won't like it.
How is her story the same as what the Hermit left in his box?
It left a record of what happened.
How has Ellie’s view of Kevin changed from what she thought of him in the beginning?
Ellie thought he was a really innocent men
What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin? 
I think that they will have made it to the hospital but Kevin was put in the showground with the other townspeople.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 17 to 20

Chapter Seventeen
Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and alcohol into Hell?
Ellie is okay with stealing essential items, not non-essential items. "I suppose because they weren't as essential as the other things we'd knocked off."
What is meant by a “clean war”? Why are the invaders so intent on having a ‘clean war’?
The UN and other war people will look around and if they have done negative things may retaliate and be charged with war crimes.
What happened to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident, according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
Two of the people had died and one was badly injured. This made Ellie feel guilty.
Why do you think prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?
Because they want people to be able to live in the houses and also because they need supplies.
What does Kevin want to bring into Hell by way of livestock? Do you think his idea is a good one? Why/why not.
Ferrets for hunting.No

Chapter Eighteen
What does Ellie find primarily attractive about Lee? 
His intelligence and his mind and his caring soul
Who is she attracted to physically?
What are the group’s options according to Homer?
1- Stay in Hell and do nothing.
2- Get their families out of the showgrounds.
3- Help the good guys in any way they can.
What do they decide to do and why?
They decide to try and help, but safely.

Chapter Nineteen
What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals?
They are more efficient and they move as one as if they'd been trained.
What do the soldiers fire at in the bushes?
A rabbit.
What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’?
They remain calm and back away when they see the soldiers and they are being smart.
Do you think Homer’s plan will work? What problems do you think they might encounter?
Yes, they might get caught or there might not be any good motorbikes or tankers.
What does Homer suggest they do when the group goes up to the Heron?
To blow up the bridge
What are his strategies to put his plan into action?
Use the cattle to distract the soldiers and they'll use the motorbikes to get away and use the petrol tanker to blow it up.

Chapter Twenty
Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi?
Because Fi wasn't used to doing outdoors practical things.
What is true courage according to Ellie?
A true courage is when you're really scared but you still do it.
Were her concerns about Fi realized? Explain.
What is a clue that Fi’s relationship with Homer is becoming serious?
She says 'I love you' to him in the walkie-talkie.
What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems?
A group of soldiers patrolling the streets come by truck and Fi and Ellie are scared they will get caught but the soldiers don't notice the truck. Ellie tries to silently roll down a hill but the brakes don't work and the steering wheel locks itself and she nearly crashes into a fence. She turns the ignition back on and swerves away from the fence.