
Friday 12 October 2018

Art Blog

She had a galaxy in her eyes, A universe in her mind...

In Art, we make some intaglio for the last week of term, btw what is different of lino-block printmaking or drypoint. Which did you prefer? Why? - Lino printing is a relief kind of printmaking then drypoint is an intaglio. But the most noticeable difference between lino and drypoint is the materials that we use, for example, the way we cut the plates and such. In lino printing, we use a lino-block, it's a hard material. However, in drypoint, we use plexiglass soft and smooth the lines and burr are very fragile too. Personally, I prefer doing lino. I felt confident doing them compared to drypoint because if you made a mistake in drypoint, you could find a way to get around it and fix it unlike in lino prints. You also need some skill if you're applying ink on lino.

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