
Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When War Began Can Do Tasks

Can Do Tasks
VOCABULARY- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Chronological, Authority, Alternatives, Gratification, Obstinate, Hoist, Unsympathetic, Scrutinising, Commemoration, Hysterically, Concealed

Chronological-It means the following someone orders which they can occur.
Authority-This means someone has a power of right to give an order or being politically and control others.
Alternatives-It means you can choice or option to have something.
Gratification-This means being a pleasure when someone gained a satisfaction for a desire.
Obstinate-Someone refused can change other opinion or decision or she/he chose a course of action.
Hoist-This is something is being raised a pulley or ropes and etc.
Unsympathetic-This means someone is showing approval to one another.
Scrutinizing-It means examining or inspecting something.
Commemoration-This is a ceremony or a celebration of a dead person or an event is to be a remembered.
Hysterically-It used to emphasize something how funny is.
Concealed-This means keeping a secret or a hidden.

RESEARCH - While Ellie and her friends are in Hell, the rest of the town is celebrating Commemoration Day. Research and create a brochure/poster/guide for someone visiting Australia about Australia Day. (what is it, how is it celebrated, history, traditions)

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