
Thursday 1 November 2018

Horror Camping Trip

We were all just having a great time, trying to scare each other and tell each other secrets. I couldn't believe what she told us none of us could believe. Most of us tried to understand it.

I was sharing a tent with Althea the girl who revealed her deepest and darkest secret. I guess you could say I was scared that time by what she had said and that I didn't wanna share a tent with her. After talking with her for a while we both decided we would go to sleep. I wipe off my fears and the horrible thoughts going through my head is crazy. I accidentally fell asleep

I think it was 3 hours into my sleep when I got woke up by some strange noise by outside. I listened carefully for about 10 minutes, it was so scary that time It came and then faded away. Strangely enough, it sounded like a baby crying. I wondered if it was one of the other girls that were camping with us but this sounded like it was a newly born baby, not some 16-year-old teenager. I peeped out my tent and saw nothing but darkness. I grabbed a flashlight and made my way out of the tent.

I was walking towards to others tent around on the camping spot I came to stop for a while when I saw a white figure it looked like a little just kneeling down. She wasn't facing my way but facing the trees. I stop for a second and trying to think that this is not a ghost. I ask myself to what Althea talk to me before. I quickly ran to go tell the others, as I ran back to their tents I heard some boys laughing behind me and footsteps getting faster and faster. I suddenly reached the boy's tent and I opened it up. They woke up with such shocked impressions across there faces. 

They didn't know what was going on, but they knew by my face that something was wrong. After five minutes I had told everyone what I saw. Most of them believed me apart from Stephen.

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