
Tuesday 25 September 2018

Growing Nz Innovation Challenge

 Growing Nz Innovation Challenge 


Hi guys! I'm now writing a blog post for this topic on DTE which is "Growing Nz Innovation Challenge".For the past few weeks on DTE. This term Me, Vince, And Lindley was put in a group for this topic our problem is to find a solution for the farmers which is "Maintaining Water Supply" and also to create something new which may help a lot of farmers. We supposed to find a solution on pipe leaks and breaks. It took us almost 5 weeks just to make this project and on that 5 weeks, we supposed to find and make a solution on how we are going to help the farmers solve their problem. We learn a lot of new things about this topic and problem.


Just what I said before our chosen topic is "Maintaining Water Supply".We chose this because every farmer in the global world is experiencing this problem not like just here in New Zealand that can experience this And we also chose this topic because we are getting heaps of ideas on it, we also think that we can really learn something about this problem. Every topic has a lot of different challenges you had to face off. For this topic, the challenge we face to is to"create a new way for farmers to quickly identify that there is a problem with the pipes and locate where it is".

In our first lesson on this topic, Mr.Carter sent us a video to watch related to this topic that we choose so that's why we can get some ideas about this topic. After that, Mr.Carter told us to choose an enabler that we are going to use on what are we going to make. We really had to think what we gonna choose because once you picked the wrong or the right one it might make cause a lot of problems or not and also might be not helpful or helpful for the farmers we think it really smartly. The two enablers that we choose is "Nanotechnology" and "Network and Sensors"

We picked "Network And Sensors" because we have to use the "Sensor" for our design to detect the leak on the pipes. The other thing also is "Network" we are using the network to email or notify the farmer that there was a leak on the pipes. And last but not the least is the "Nanotechnology"

Once we decided what enablers are we going to use. So me and my group have got a little discussion on what we are going to make. We had a lot of ideas for this but we only choose one. After we had a discussion, we agreed on one design, and that is Lindley's design. His design is going to be a tube looking with a sensor, network, and a nanotechnology. This tube was going to be installed around the water pipes.

Here is how our design will work. When the sensor detects a leak, it will send a message to the farmer/s that there is a leak on one of the pipes. When the farmer received the message, farmer/s will send the nanotech to fix the broken pipes.

When we had an idea we went to "Tinkercad" to create our design. It took us about 3-4 weeks to create and finish the design. Here is what our prototype looks like.

This is the prototype that Vince and Lindley built in Tinkercad. I know it has heaps of things going on with it, so let me describe it to you. The big orange tube is the water leak detector and the little yellow circle beside it is the sensor. The tube has 2 wires attached to it. These two wires are separated because once it meets each other it will activate the alarm. Electricity moves in water, so when water touches the two wires. The water will connect the two wires and be turning the alarm on.


In the last two weeks, we've been told to make a presentation about our topic. We will be presenting it to the whole class. Me and Vince are the ones who make our presentation on "Prezi" while Lindley is the making our notes.

Here is the link to the presentation that we made about our topic. Click Me If You Want To See Our Presentation :>

What can you say about our prototype? Can this will help a lot of farmers out there?

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