
Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began 21 To Epilogue

Chapter Twenty-One
What is it that primarily attracts Fi to Homer?
How mature he has become.
What are Fi’s intentions regarding Homer?
Fi wants to learn all she can about farming so that when they get married she can help him.
Why does this surprise, Ellie?
Because she realized why she was so attracted to Homer. She doesn't want to lose him as he is like a brother to her.
How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings?
They were both elated.
Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
To stop the soldiers from delivering things to other towns because the bridge is the gateway to other towns.
How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?
It is more dangerous and they have more of a chance of being caught or killed.

Chapter Twenty-Two
What do Ellie and the others see in Ellie’s shed when they ride up her driveway?
They see Kevin, Robyn, Chris, and Corrie but Corrie has been shot in the back.
What does Ellie compare this scene with? Why do you think she does this?
What I saw there was like one of those Christmas tableaus at church, with Joseph and Mary and the shepherds and stuff.
What does Homer suggest the group does?
That someone drives her up to the hospital rings the bell and abandons her at the gate because 7 is better than 6.
What does Kevin decide to do? What does this reveal about him?
He decides to go with Corrie to the hospital, That he really is caring and brave and it shows how much he loves Corrie.

What is Ellie’s concern about her story?
She's scared that the others won't like it.
How is her story the same as what the Hermit left in his box?
It left a record of what happened.
How has Ellie’s view of Kevin changed from what she thought of him in the beginning?
Ellie thought he was a really innocent men
What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin? 
I think that they will have made it to the hospital but Kevin was put in the showground with the other townspeople.

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