
Thursday 15 November 2018

Free Writting

C-R-U-S-H Crush
... Crush!

One word that you think is worthless
Imagine you
You can not take it
You think that's just a simple word.

But you did not go through your heart and mind

That might hurt your character
Destroy your future Slow down your sleeping heart. But no matter how painful he was
It can not be avoided as it brings joy,
love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, day and night.
I'm not restless every minute I'm not with him I want him to come home and sleep in a bed.

Unexpected Wealth

One hot, sunny and beautiful day here in my grandparent's house they wake me up the sun is so bright it hurts my eyes, they said to me at that moment that it was already 10:00 am and still, I'm lying on my bed it's pretty hard for me to wake up I was so tired that time.....But before I tell you what happens last night let me just tell you what brings me here to move to my grandparent's house.

(My life before when I wasn't at my grandparent's house)

Before I moved to my grandparent's house my life before is kind off mournful you wanna know why? Because my parents always left me at our house because of their work. So I understand why they have to do this it's for my school and my future as a daughter it was so tough for me to see that they were so busy day and night and actually don't have enough time for me and to have some special bonding with us three but it never happened. I hope they will also have some free time for me even though that they  were so busy...but one day I woke up with the scream I hurriedly ran out to see what happen, I saw my mom crying so hard and I asked her what happen she replied to me that something happens to your father and it was really i asked her why what happens to my dad my mom replied to me that my father has stage 4  cancer and if he's not healed he may die and I don't want that happen..At that time my mom has to leave because of the work she asked me if I can stay at the hospital also to look after to my father I was so tired that time and I have no idea how did I go to my grandparents I think they visit my dad and saw me already fell asleep and bring home to their house...When I woke up I've surprised that I'm at my grandparent's house I asked them how did I go here they said we picked you up on the hospital to sleep here and I said ok I quickly ran going to  the garage and to drove all the way to the hospital when I turn on the lights I saw this box which is black I'm thinking what is inside of this box I get the box and see what's inside and I saw that there is a lot of money in there I thank god for what he has done to me and gave me this box of money this might be the solution to our problem this might help my father who was ill that time I asked my grandparents if they know who is the owner of this box they have no idea who is the owner of this they said to me that box of money should be the solution to your problem I quickly grabbed it and bring to the hospital but I was so late that time I ran to my mom just to said what I've got she said to me it was so late my father die I cried out that time I don' know what to do I asked god why did you do this me and why you sent me a box of money that is gonna not help for my father. I was so wrong I trust you and didn't hear my hope that to spend more time with my father . My mom asked me if we can just donate the money on the box on a cancer foundation I said yeah it was a great idea mom we can actually help others by doing it...The day has come we have to go and donate the money on a foundation I was excited and courage that I'm gonna help them by just donating the money that I saw on my grandparent's garage. 

Tuesday 13 November 2018

This is my life

This is my Life

This photo is when my parents preparing for my first christening and they took a photo of me, I have no idea about what I was doing this time.

My mom holding me so tight that time and wanted me to sit on a jeep (It's a Philippines transportation).

This is my first Christmas, with my family but it's not really completed because my father is not there.

This is my first time that I hold a baby for my entire life and it's also my cousin.

At this moment I spend my last moment with my dad because he is going back again to South Korea to work.

On this photo It's my 7th birthday party.

As a part of a Philippine tradition, we always celebrate Christmas together but on this photo, we are not complete yet because my other cousins are on Guam.

On this photo, I think this is the best day of my life and unfortunately, kind of sad because this is the first time that we are complete as a family and also sad because after we have a small gathering my grandfather died.

On this photo finally, I graduated as a student at year 6.

This is the last photo that I have with my family before we move here in New Zealand.

Monday 12 November 2018

Move To Improve

Hi, guys, today is our First day of Passion Project I've become so excited and interest to what we did today

1. Why have you chosen this project and what do you hope to achieve?
I have chosen project this is because I want to improve myself how to be fit and to be more healthy and lastly to try something new that I haven't done before.

2. What are some activities that you would like to do and/or things you would like to learn as a part of your Passion Project?
  1. To be fit and healthy
  2. To eat and cook healthy foods

What are your results from the fitness tests you have completed today?

  • Speed

Flying 30 metres sprint
6.20 sec
13.25 sec

  • Power

Horizontal jump

  • Vertical jump


  • Flexibility

Sit & reach test

  • Balance

Standing stork test
Right: 9.68
Left: 7.07

  • Muscular Endurance

NCF abdominal conditioning test


Friday 9 November 2018

King of Excuses

  • Why your sibling is the most annoying creature on the planet

You're the one and only that I hate
You're making me always late
This is because you're always asking me for a help
Do I look like your slave? Or a maid

We should love each other
Not teasing other like other creatures out there
You make me feel that I'm the worse sister that you have
In your, life but you're the one who makes my life miserable

Should we always do this fight against each other for a nonsense reason
But I think sometimes you're the most annoying creature in the world
I think i just have to be thankful that your brother
Even though we fight you always save me if someone is bullying me
Care for me when i'm sick and love me always

Thursday 1 November 2018

Horror Camping Trip

We were all just having a great time, trying to scare each other and tell each other secrets. I couldn't believe what she told us none of us could believe. Most of us tried to understand it.

I was sharing a tent with Althea the girl who revealed her deepest and darkest secret. I guess you could say I was scared that time by what she had said and that I didn't wanna share a tent with her. After talking with her for a while we both decided we would go to sleep. I wipe off my fears and the horrible thoughts going through my head is crazy. I accidentally fell asleep

I think it was 3 hours into my sleep when I got woke up by some strange noise by outside. I listened carefully for about 10 minutes, it was so scary that time It came and then faded away. Strangely enough, it sounded like a baby crying. I wondered if it was one of the other girls that were camping with us but this sounded like it was a newly born baby, not some 16-year-old teenager. I peeped out my tent and saw nothing but darkness. I grabbed a flashlight and made my way out of the tent.

I was walking towards to others tent around on the camping spot I came to stop for a while when I saw a white figure it looked like a little just kneeling down. She wasn't facing my way but facing the trees. I stop for a second and trying to think that this is not a ghost. I ask myself to what Althea talk to me before. I quickly ran to go tell the others, as I ran back to their tents I heard some boys laughing behind me and footsteps getting faster and faster. I suddenly reached the boy's tent and I opened it up. They woke up with such shocked impressions across there faces. 

They didn't know what was going on, but they knew by my face that something was wrong. After five minutes I had told everyone what I saw. Most of them believed me apart from Stephen.