
Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 9 to 12

Chapter Nine 
Why, in Ellie’s opinion, is Cobbler’s Bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
Because It's one of the best natural harbors in Australia. Good advantage point for accessing bigger cities.
Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago. Why were they still innocent then? Why are they no longer innocent?
Because they felt as if they were safe and now they know they are no longer safe, they are in danger.
Why does Homer think splitting up is a good idea?
So that if one group gets caught not all of them will be caught.
Why do you think the author added the few lines about an Australian jet flying overhead. 
By blowing up Corrie’s house, what does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers?
I think that they were hoping to instill fear and terror into the teenagers, and potentially kill them to make sure there are no opposing forces left to disrupt the invading countries plans.
Why do you think Corrie reacted the way she did?
Because they thought people were inside the house because they saw a healthy dog running around outside.

Chapter Ten
Why does Homer insist on going on with the plan after Corrie’s house blows up? How does he convince Corrie that this is a good idea?
"We can't just crawl under the bed and stay there till this is over" Homer makes Corrie think about how much they need Lee and Robyn.
Describe the strategy Home and Ellie uses to ensure their safety when riding their bikes into town. What does this show about how they are starting to think?
Homer stays 100 meters behind Ellie and she stops at every corner to check and then signals Ellie on. This shows that they are starting to think like soldiers and being very cautious.
Why do you think Mr. Clement is reluctant to help Lee and Robyn? How would you react in his position?
Because he doesn't trust them and he doesn't want to get caught by soldiers. I would do the same as Mr. Clement and be careful who to trust.
How has Homer changed in Ellie’s eyes since the invasion?
He is more mature,  smarter, braver, more serious and more of a leader.
What are the 2 different types of soldiers and how do they each treat the inhabitants of Wirrawee?
One type was very well trained and they treated people nicer than the other soldiers. The other type of soldiers were just people to get the numbers up and they treated the people very badly. "The professionals were super efficient but the conscripts were badly trained and poorly equipped, and some of them were really vicious."
Why do you think Robyn had the strength to carry Lee?
An alternative left him there to die/be captured.
How have the group decided to rescue Lee, whose idea was this and why do they think it will work?
Robyn and it's surprising because she fainted every time the word injection was mentioned at school.
What do you think happened to people who ‘tried to be heroes?’
They would have been killed.

Chapter 11
How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?
She felt cold, lonely and excited but mostly fear.
Why are the girls smiling when in danger? Is this a logical response?
Because they feel that even their teammates are talking a lie to them
What does wearing a helmet and buckling up mean to the girls?
What does Chris’s story say about the town?
It shows that he really is smart and he thinks things through.
What impact does the BMW have on the story? Does Chris seem lonely? Explain your answer?
He goes every year and loves it but it is getting old and boring and he wants to get away from it.
What is Homer’s explanation for the need to swap cars at Chris Lang’s place? What does this show about the way he is thinking?
"Our plan is to go up to Hell in four-wheel drives and hide out for a while... That means we'll be dumping whatever car we've used to get there. If a day or two later, a patrol arrives at Ellie's and finds a shot up BMW, that they've been searching the district for... well, some very nasty things could happen to Ellie's parents."
What are your thoughts on the story so far?
My thoughts so far now have Ellie felt loneliness.

Chapter 12
“They say teenagers can sleep all day”. Is this true? Do you agree? Does Ellie still see herself as a typical teenager?

I think they all can sleep all day like me I can sleep all day, but anyone is not possible of sleeping all day if they have some sleeping patterns or they might just tired,but I think Ellie has never seen herself as a typical teenager, she can spend a lot of her time on computer being not trendy make her feel even more disconnected from the 'typical' that she needs teenager.
Ellie’s dream at the beginning of the chapter is rather nonsensical, as dreams are wont to be. Is there any meaning to it? Try and explain what Ellie’s subconscious could be thinking about: why is her dad cooking for the whole town? Why did Father Cronin ignore Ellie’s greeting? Why was Corrie 8 years old again? Why were they sailing off on a  boat? Why was Lee undressing?
Because she wants to keep everyone safe and by Chris falling asleep everyone could have been in lots of danger. It shows that Chris doesn't even care and that he is letting the team down.
Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? How does Ellie react? Why do you think she reacts this way? How does she feel about her reaction later?

Because he risked the lives of all of them by being so slack.
Back in Hell, Ellie’s dreams are far more ominous. Explain why Ellie is dreaming of her fears.
She is shocked by it. She gets furious and starts shouting, screaming and kicking him.

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