
Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 5 to 8

Chapter Five
What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character?
Corries choice in her career says that she is very caring and helpful towards others. It shows that she wants to help everyone in need and be able to support them.
The group’s ability to avoid arguing with each other is rare- do you think that there would have been more drama if you and your friends went bush for a week?
I don't think that if my friends and I went camping for a week that there would be any drama at all maybe just about where we are going to sleep but otherwise it would just be full of fun.
Why do you think Ellie and Lee feel uneasy just before their return to Wirrawee from the Bush?
I think they feel uneasy because of the planes that flew of them while they were camping and the noise that came from them frightened them and they were worried something just wasn't right.
What do you predict will await the group back home, why do you think this?
I think that something could be wrong like the town has just turned into a ghost town or something, the reason I think this is because of reading how uneasy Ellie and Fi had felt about the planes flying over them and how odd it was.

Chapter Six
What is the first sign that something is wrong with Ellie’s house?
The dogs were dead." Ellie knows that something is wrong when she see's the dogs lying chained up dead.
Who is the first person to really realize what is happening?
What is Ellie’s reaction to this person’s caution? Why do you think she reacts this way?
She realizes and denies it and doesn't want to believe what is happening. She is furious at Lee for thinking it, when he moves the car she remembers the conversation and is angry."And suddenly I knew, and hated and feared the memory."
How is the pace in this chapter different from the chapters before?
It's different because of how many things they get done and it's more organized in this chapter compared to the other chapters.
If you were in this situation, would you test the radio or not? Give reasons for your thinking
 I don't think I would in case something bad has happened and the radio could be used as a tracking device.
Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realization that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not
I think in ways it could have been really like a war or another country invading them but not Aliens. It's because this is something that is likely to happen if things have turned out the way they have.
What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia? 
That there were planes flying over them making loud noises and darkening the sky. Also how strange t is when they arrive home.

Chapter Seven
Which people in the group are starting to stand out as leaders, is this surprising? Why/why not?
Lee first starts to stand out "We looked at Lee, as though we expected him magically to have the answer."Homer then shows he is a leader by making the choice to split everyone up into groups.
Ellie shows leadership when her Corrie and Kevin go to show grounds. "Suddenly, he was looking at me for directions."
Do you think that taking Kevin’s dog Flip to Corrie's house was a mistake? Explain your thoughts.
Yes, I think it is because if any of the soldiers go looking in the houses they may realize that the dog has moved houses, so that lets the soldiers know people are out there for the dog to have been moved.
What does Lee mean when he says ‘we might have to make some ugly choices?’
They might need to leave the dog behind or even kill it.
How is Ellie’s image of Kevin changing in this chapter?
She doesn't entirely dislike him anymore.
Is the decision to split into smaller groups a wise one? Give reasons
In some situations, if you split into groups it can help and get things done quicker. If that was me I wouldn't have split into groups because of what has happened to Lee and Robyn.
Why is it that Elli’s group decides to act ‘illogically’ and survey the Showgrounds together?
Ellie thinks that it's a good idea because if they are all together nobody is able to get lost.
Why does the idea of a female soldier surprise Ellie?
This could be because she thinks that to be a soldier you have to be male or maybe because she is only used to seeing male soldiers. So when she sees on it surprises her.
If your parents were captured in a situation like this, would they have been ‘sensible’, or would there have been violence?
I think that my mom would have sensible and thought which would be the best way to handle this kind of situation.
How is Ellie ‘transformed’ once she steps out from behind a tree near the Showgrounds?
When Ellie was behind the tree she was very thankful and affectionate of the tree because it was a very good way of hiding her and her friends. When she steps away from the tree and something happens mysteriously she starts panicking and screaming and she was really stressed out that time 
Ellie and Kevin’s quick-thinking allowed them to turn a ride-on lawnmower into a bomb. Was this moral behavior? Did they do the right thing, or should they have surrendered themselves?
I really don't think that this is the best thing that they could have done. This is because they didn't know why the soldiers were there they just assumed that they were bad, but they could've just been protecting the people of Wirrawee.
Predict what you think has happened to Lee and Robyn.
I think they may have gotten with someone else, or they might be kidnapped

Chapter Eight
How does Ellie feel after the lawn mower incident?
She didn't want to think about what she had done and she couldn't believe it. ". I was filled with horror. I felt that my life was permanently damaged, that I could never be normal again, that the rest of my life would just be a shell." She feels like she will never be the same.
How does she think the others will react to her story once she tells it?
She was afraid "that if (she) told the story of the mower with any drama at all, the others would get all macho about it, and start acting like it was a big heroic thing."
How do they actually react? Why?
they are supportive and "grim-faced."
Homer says, “This is war now, normal rules don’t apply. They’re the ones who tore up the rulebook, not us”” What does this say about his character? What do you think of the validity of his opinions?
It says that he doesn’t blame or judge her because they all have to do what they need to survive. Also, we can tell that he plays fair.
Fi talks about the ‘shadows’, during their reconnaissance. What are these shadows and what are the implications due to their existence?
The shadows are people but since Fi wasn't able to see them fully she had called them shadows, she also knew that they weren’t soldiers they were people like Ellie and her group.
What pieces of evidence from the book inform the reader that this invasion wasn’t entirely peaceful? Find at least 3 examples.
Maybe the fact that there were so many places that had been ruined or the fact that some streets had a lot of blood on the roads and walls. Also because as soon as the soldiers heard something they would shoot.

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