
Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 13 to 16

Chapter 13
All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
Robyn is the leader of their group and shows that. Homer is the charge of gathering supplements. corrie is in charge of the transistor radio. lee is just a moving force. kevin is gathering a firewood. Chris is in charge of smoking and booze. Ellie is the compassionate group person who looks after everyone and Fi is a language recognizer/translator.
According to what the teenagers hear on Corrie's radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle?
America would find herself in the longest, costliest and bloodiest war in her history if she tried to intervene. America doesn't want to get involved because they have been threatened by the invaders.
Why is Australia being invaded?
The invasion was claimed at 'reducing imbalances within the region. Other countries are sick of Australia having it easy.
A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia?
I believe that the countries likely to have a peaceful country like Australia are countries that are within the UN, and potentially they think that Australia is running ahead the rest of the UN in certain areas, meaning that they are taking their own force of action.
How are the prisoners being treated?
Are being held in humanitarian conditions. The soldiers are being 'generous' to the prisoners.
What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair?
I think that they can, but anyone is possible of sleeping all day if they have an irrational sleep pattern and are tired. I think Ellie has never seen herself as a typical teenager, unable to waste away her days on a computer, much more comfortable drenching sheep in the back block, however, recent experiences make her feel even more disconnected from the 'typical' teenager.
"Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. What does it mean.?
For some of the people saying this means that when you die your gonna go to hell, but some people also saying that this means belief in the Day of Judgement is a fundamental of Islam. This is when Allah will be the only Judge and no one will be able to help us not even our own parents. On the Day of Judgement, the hair of a child will turn grey. 
Kevin’s hatred of the invaders is quite extreme. Why do you think he is so angry?
The group takes turns discussing the extent to which they’d go to make a difference. Order the characters by their commitment to overthrowing the enemy? The group is starting to think about long-term survival in Hell. What are some clues to this? They talk about setting up a chicken coop, a veggie garden, etc. What does the group decide they must do at this point?
Half the group goes into Wirrawee, half the group stays and sets up a better camp.

Chapter Fourteen
What reasons does Ellie give Lee for not wanting a relationship with him?
Because she is confused about her feelings.
What do you think are the real reasons?
She likes Lee, but she also likes Homer, so she can't decide which one to settle on.

Chapter Fifteen
What do Ellie and Lee find in the Hermit's hut that the others don't know about?
A metal box full of papers, letters, and a medal. There is a magistrate report recommending that the Hermit, Bertram Hubert Sexton Christie, be charged with 'Wilful and felonious murder' of his wife and child.
According to the coroner's report, what are the two possible ways the Hermit's family died?
Being shot then burnt in a fire or being burnt in a bushfire then being shot.
Which do you believe? Why?
I believe that they were badly burnt then he shot them to put them out of their misery.

Chapter Sixteen
What is the Hermit’s mother in law’s attitude toward him as seen in her letter?
She believes that he didn't do it. "I believe you (the Hermit) have been a man unjustly accused."
What does this suggest about the way in which the Hermit’s family actually died?
He didn't kill them in malice.
What makes Ellie change her mind about Lee on the way back from the Hermit’s hut?
"I don't want to end up like a coroner's report." She doesn't want to end emotionless.

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