
Friday 27 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Can Do Tasks #3

MUSICAL- When back in Hell it is important for the teenagers to relax and recuperate. Create a playlist of songs for one of the characters that you think would suit their personality. Give a reason for each some choice and a link for your viewers to go and listen to.

The person I choose is Robyn Mathers this is because she is a lovable person, caring for others and lastly is she has a lot of respect for the older person who and which is she/he talking too.
And also I've been chosen a song that is gonna suit for Robyn's Personality. The first one that I choose is You Belong With Me By. Taylor Swift, the Second One is Grenade By Bruno Mars And the last one is will definitely Who Says By Selena Gomez Because this explains her personality so I have chosen this because it really suits her and fit for her.

VOCABULARY- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious, Evasion, Impenetrable, Patriotic, Reconnaissance, Inaccessible, Gaunt, Conscript

Manoeuvre-This is a movement or series of moves requiring skills and care.
Inconspicuous-This means a not clearly visible or attracting attention.
Surreptitious-This means you keeping a secret especially it would not be approved by someone.
Evasion-This is an action of invading something. 
Impenetrable-This means impossible things cannot pass through or to enter.
Patriotic-This means having or expressing being devoted and vigorous for one's country.
Reconnaissance-This means a military observation or a room which can locate the region of the enemy or strategic features
Inaccessible-This means you will not be able to reach someone or something.
Gaunt-This means that someone who is being haggard or lean because of suffering from hunger, or thirst.
Conscript-This means someone is being enlisted or compulsory.

Monday 23 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began Can Do Task #2

RESEARCH -Australia has been invaded. Research and create a list of reasons why Australia would be a good target for invasion. Consider resources, land mass, climate etc. 

  • Geographic isolation and relatively Small Military
  • Australian Defence Force
  • The Soryu class submarine
  • The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Underestimate, Itinerary, Improvise, Motivate, Conspicuous, Feeble, Delirious, Sentry, Agonise, Famine

Underestimate-This means estimating something to be smaller or less important than it really is.
Itinerary-It means a planned route of the journey.
Improvise-This means producing or making something from whatever is only available.
Motivate-This means cause someone to have interest in or enthusiasm for something
Conspicuous-It means attracting notice or attention.
Feeble-This means lacking physical strength especially as a result of age or illness 
Delirious-This means in an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence
Sentry-This means a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to one place.
Agonise-This means undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.
Famine-This means extreme scarcity of food.

Monday 9 July 2018

Tomorrow When War Began Can Do Tasks

Can Do Tasks
VOCABULARY- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Chronological, Authority, Alternatives, Gratification, Obstinate, Hoist, Unsympathetic, Scrutinising, Commemoration, Hysterically, Concealed

Chronological-It means the following someone orders which they can occur.
Authority-This means someone has a power of right to give an order or being politically and control others.
Alternatives-It means you can choice or option to have something.
Gratification-This means being a pleasure when someone gained a satisfaction for a desire.
Obstinate-Someone refused can change other opinion or decision or she/he chose a course of action.
Hoist-This is something is being raised a pulley or ropes and etc.
Unsympathetic-This means someone is showing approval to one another.
Scrutinizing-It means examining or inspecting something.
Commemoration-This is a ceremony or a celebration of a dead person or an event is to be a remembered.
Hysterically-It used to emphasize something how funny is.
Concealed-This means keeping a secret or a hidden.

RESEARCH - While Ellie and her friends are in Hell, the rest of the town is celebrating Commemoration Day. Research and create a brochure/poster/guide for someone visiting Australia about Australia Day. (what is it, how is it celebrated, history, traditions)

Tomorrow When The War Began 21 To Epilogue

Chapter Twenty-One
What is it that primarily attracts Fi to Homer?
How mature he has become.
What are Fi’s intentions regarding Homer?
Fi wants to learn all she can about farming so that when they get married she can help him.
Why does this surprise, Ellie?
Because she realized why she was so attracted to Homer. She doesn't want to lose him as he is like a brother to her.
How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings?
They were both elated.
Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
To stop the soldiers from delivering things to other towns because the bridge is the gateway to other towns.
How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?
It is more dangerous and they have more of a chance of being caught or killed.

Chapter Twenty-Two
What do Ellie and the others see in Ellie’s shed when they ride up her driveway?
They see Kevin, Robyn, Chris, and Corrie but Corrie has been shot in the back.
What does Ellie compare this scene with? Why do you think she does this?
What I saw there was like one of those Christmas tableaus at church, with Joseph and Mary and the shepherds and stuff.
What does Homer suggest the group does?
That someone drives her up to the hospital rings the bell and abandons her at the gate because 7 is better than 6.
What does Kevin decide to do? What does this reveal about him?
He decides to go with Corrie to the hospital, That he really is caring and brave and it shows how much he loves Corrie.

What is Ellie’s concern about her story?
She's scared that the others won't like it.
How is her story the same as what the Hermit left in his box?
It left a record of what happened.
How has Ellie’s view of Kevin changed from what she thought of him in the beginning?
Ellie thought he was a really innocent men
What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin? 
I think that they will have made it to the hospital but Kevin was put in the showground with the other townspeople.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 17 to 20

Chapter Seventeen
Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and alcohol into Hell?
Ellie is okay with stealing essential items, not non-essential items. "I suppose because they weren't as essential as the other things we'd knocked off."
What is meant by a “clean war”? Why are the invaders so intent on having a ‘clean war’?
The UN and other war people will look around and if they have done negative things may retaliate and be charged with war crimes.
What happened to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident, according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
Two of the people had died and one was badly injured. This made Ellie feel guilty.
Why do you think prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?
Because they want people to be able to live in the houses and also because they need supplies.
What does Kevin want to bring into Hell by way of livestock? Do you think his idea is a good one? Why/why not.
Ferrets for hunting.No

Chapter Eighteen
What does Ellie find primarily attractive about Lee? 
His intelligence and his mind and his caring soul
Who is she attracted to physically?
What are the group’s options according to Homer?
1- Stay in Hell and do nothing.
2- Get their families out of the showgrounds.
3- Help the good guys in any way they can.
What do they decide to do and why?
They decide to try and help, but safely.

Chapter Nineteen
What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals?
They are more efficient and they move as one as if they'd been trained.
What do the soldiers fire at in the bushes?
A rabbit.
What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’?
They remain calm and back away when they see the soldiers and they are being smart.
Do you think Homer’s plan will work? What problems do you think they might encounter?
Yes, they might get caught or there might not be any good motorbikes or tankers.
What does Homer suggest they do when the group goes up to the Heron?
To blow up the bridge
What are his strategies to put his plan into action?
Use the cattle to distract the soldiers and they'll use the motorbikes to get away and use the petrol tanker to blow it up.

Chapter Twenty
Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi?
Because Fi wasn't used to doing outdoors practical things.
What is true courage according to Ellie?
A true courage is when you're really scared but you still do it.
Were her concerns about Fi realized? Explain.
What is a clue that Fi’s relationship with Homer is becoming serious?
She says 'I love you' to him in the walkie-talkie.
What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems?
A group of soldiers patrolling the streets come by truck and Fi and Ellie are scared they will get caught but the soldiers don't notice the truck. Ellie tries to silently roll down a hill but the brakes don't work and the steering wheel locks itself and she nearly crashes into a fence. She turns the ignition back on and swerves away from the fence.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 13 to 16

Chapter 13
All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
Robyn is the leader of their group and shows that. Homer is the charge of gathering supplements. corrie is in charge of the transistor radio. lee is just a moving force. kevin is gathering a firewood. Chris is in charge of smoking and booze. Ellie is the compassionate group person who looks after everyone and Fi is a language recognizer/translator.
According to what the teenagers hear on Corrie's radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle?
America would find herself in the longest, costliest and bloodiest war in her history if she tried to intervene. America doesn't want to get involved because they have been threatened by the invaders.
Why is Australia being invaded?
The invasion was claimed at 'reducing imbalances within the region. Other countries are sick of Australia having it easy.
A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia?
I believe that the countries likely to have a peaceful country like Australia are countries that are within the UN, and potentially they think that Australia is running ahead the rest of the UN in certain areas, meaning that they are taking their own force of action.
How are the prisoners being treated?
Are being held in humanitarian conditions. The soldiers are being 'generous' to the prisoners.
What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair?
I think that they can, but anyone is possible of sleeping all day if they have an irrational sleep pattern and are tired. I think Ellie has never seen herself as a typical teenager, unable to waste away her days on a computer, much more comfortable drenching sheep in the back block, however, recent experiences make her feel even more disconnected from the 'typical' teenager.
"Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. What does it mean.?
For some of the people saying this means that when you die your gonna go to hell, but some people also saying that this means belief in the Day of Judgement is a fundamental of Islam. This is when Allah will be the only Judge and no one will be able to help us not even our own parents. On the Day of Judgement, the hair of a child will turn grey. 
Kevin’s hatred of the invaders is quite extreme. Why do you think he is so angry?
The group takes turns discussing the extent to which they’d go to make a difference. Order the characters by their commitment to overthrowing the enemy? The group is starting to think about long-term survival in Hell. What are some clues to this? They talk about setting up a chicken coop, a veggie garden, etc. What does the group decide they must do at this point?
Half the group goes into Wirrawee, half the group stays and sets up a better camp.

Chapter Fourteen
What reasons does Ellie give Lee for not wanting a relationship with him?
Because she is confused about her feelings.
What do you think are the real reasons?
She likes Lee, but she also likes Homer, so she can't decide which one to settle on.

Chapter Fifteen
What do Ellie and Lee find in the Hermit's hut that the others don't know about?
A metal box full of papers, letters, and a medal. There is a magistrate report recommending that the Hermit, Bertram Hubert Sexton Christie, be charged with 'Wilful and felonious murder' of his wife and child.
According to the coroner's report, what are the two possible ways the Hermit's family died?
Being shot then burnt in a fire or being burnt in a bushfire then being shot.
Which do you believe? Why?
I believe that they were badly burnt then he shot them to put them out of their misery.

Chapter Sixteen
What is the Hermit’s mother in law’s attitude toward him as seen in her letter?
She believes that he didn't do it. "I believe you (the Hermit) have been a man unjustly accused."
What does this suggest about the way in which the Hermit’s family actually died?
He didn't kill them in malice.
What makes Ellie change her mind about Lee on the way back from the Hermit’s hut?
"I don't want to end up like a coroner's report." She doesn't want to end emotionless.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 9 to 12

Chapter Nine 
Why, in Ellie’s opinion, is Cobbler’s Bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
Because It's one of the best natural harbors in Australia. Good advantage point for accessing bigger cities.
Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago. Why were they still innocent then? Why are they no longer innocent?
Because they felt as if they were safe and now they know they are no longer safe, they are in danger.
Why does Homer think splitting up is a good idea?
So that if one group gets caught not all of them will be caught.
Why do you think the author added the few lines about an Australian jet flying overhead. 
By blowing up Corrie’s house, what does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers?
I think that they were hoping to instill fear and terror into the teenagers, and potentially kill them to make sure there are no opposing forces left to disrupt the invading countries plans.
Why do you think Corrie reacted the way she did?
Because they thought people were inside the house because they saw a healthy dog running around outside.

Chapter Ten
Why does Homer insist on going on with the plan after Corrie’s house blows up? How does he convince Corrie that this is a good idea?
"We can't just crawl under the bed and stay there till this is over" Homer makes Corrie think about how much they need Lee and Robyn.
Describe the strategy Home and Ellie uses to ensure their safety when riding their bikes into town. What does this show about how they are starting to think?
Homer stays 100 meters behind Ellie and she stops at every corner to check and then signals Ellie on. This shows that they are starting to think like soldiers and being very cautious.
Why do you think Mr. Clement is reluctant to help Lee and Robyn? How would you react in his position?
Because he doesn't trust them and he doesn't want to get caught by soldiers. I would do the same as Mr. Clement and be careful who to trust.
How has Homer changed in Ellie’s eyes since the invasion?
He is more mature,  smarter, braver, more serious and more of a leader.
What are the 2 different types of soldiers and how do they each treat the inhabitants of Wirrawee?
One type was very well trained and they treated people nicer than the other soldiers. The other type of soldiers were just people to get the numbers up and they treated the people very badly. "The professionals were super efficient but the conscripts were badly trained and poorly equipped, and some of them were really vicious."
Why do you think Robyn had the strength to carry Lee?
An alternative left him there to die/be captured.
How have the group decided to rescue Lee, whose idea was this and why do they think it will work?
Robyn and it's surprising because she fainted every time the word injection was mentioned at school.
What do you think happened to people who ‘tried to be heroes?’
They would have been killed.

Chapter 11
How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?
She felt cold, lonely and excited but mostly fear.
Why are the girls smiling when in danger? Is this a logical response?
Because they feel that even their teammates are talking a lie to them
What does wearing a helmet and buckling up mean to the girls?
What does Chris’s story say about the town?
It shows that he really is smart and he thinks things through.
What impact does the BMW have on the story? Does Chris seem lonely? Explain your answer?
He goes every year and loves it but it is getting old and boring and he wants to get away from it.
What is Homer’s explanation for the need to swap cars at Chris Lang’s place? What does this show about the way he is thinking?
"Our plan is to go up to Hell in four-wheel drives and hide out for a while... That means we'll be dumping whatever car we've used to get there. If a day or two later, a patrol arrives at Ellie's and finds a shot up BMW, that they've been searching the district for... well, some very nasty things could happen to Ellie's parents."
What are your thoughts on the story so far?
My thoughts so far now have Ellie felt loneliness.

Chapter 12
“They say teenagers can sleep all day”. Is this true? Do you agree? Does Ellie still see herself as a typical teenager?

I think they all can sleep all day like me I can sleep all day, but anyone is not possible of sleeping all day if they have some sleeping patterns or they might just tired,but I think Ellie has never seen herself as a typical teenager, she can spend a lot of her time on computer being not trendy make her feel even more disconnected from the 'typical' that she needs teenager.
Ellie’s dream at the beginning of the chapter is rather nonsensical, as dreams are wont to be. Is there any meaning to it? Try and explain what Ellie’s subconscious could be thinking about: why is her dad cooking for the whole town? Why did Father Cronin ignore Ellie’s greeting? Why was Corrie 8 years old again? Why were they sailing off on a  boat? Why was Lee undressing?
Because she wants to keep everyone safe and by Chris falling asleep everyone could have been in lots of danger. It shows that Chris doesn't even care and that he is letting the team down.
Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? How does Ellie react? Why do you think she reacts this way? How does she feel about her reaction later?

Because he risked the lives of all of them by being so slack.
Back in Hell, Ellie’s dreams are far more ominous. Explain why Ellie is dreaming of her fears.
She is shocked by it. She gets furious and starts shouting, screaming and kicking him.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 5 to 8

Chapter Five
What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character?
Corries choice in her career says that she is very caring and helpful towards others. It shows that she wants to help everyone in need and be able to support them.
The group’s ability to avoid arguing with each other is rare- do you think that there would have been more drama if you and your friends went bush for a week?
I don't think that if my friends and I went camping for a week that there would be any drama at all maybe just about where we are going to sleep but otherwise it would just be full of fun.
Why do you think Ellie and Lee feel uneasy just before their return to Wirrawee from the Bush?
I think they feel uneasy because of the planes that flew of them while they were camping and the noise that came from them frightened them and they were worried something just wasn't right.
What do you predict will await the group back home, why do you think this?
I think that something could be wrong like the town has just turned into a ghost town or something, the reason I think this is because of reading how uneasy Ellie and Fi had felt about the planes flying over them and how odd it was.

Chapter Six
What is the first sign that something is wrong with Ellie’s house?
The dogs were dead." Ellie knows that something is wrong when she see's the dogs lying chained up dead.
Who is the first person to really realize what is happening?
What is Ellie’s reaction to this person’s caution? Why do you think she reacts this way?
She realizes and denies it and doesn't want to believe what is happening. She is furious at Lee for thinking it, when he moves the car she remembers the conversation and is angry."And suddenly I knew, and hated and feared the memory."
How is the pace in this chapter different from the chapters before?
It's different because of how many things they get done and it's more organized in this chapter compared to the other chapters.
If you were in this situation, would you test the radio or not? Give reasons for your thinking
 I don't think I would in case something bad has happened and the radio could be used as a tracking device.
Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realization that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not
I think in ways it could have been really like a war or another country invading them but not Aliens. It's because this is something that is likely to happen if things have turned out the way they have.
What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia? 
That there were planes flying over them making loud noises and darkening the sky. Also how strange t is when they arrive home.

Chapter Seven
Which people in the group are starting to stand out as leaders, is this surprising? Why/why not?
Lee first starts to stand out "We looked at Lee, as though we expected him magically to have the answer."Homer then shows he is a leader by making the choice to split everyone up into groups.
Ellie shows leadership when her Corrie and Kevin go to show grounds. "Suddenly, he was looking at me for directions."
Do you think that taking Kevin’s dog Flip to Corrie's house was a mistake? Explain your thoughts.
Yes, I think it is because if any of the soldiers go looking in the houses they may realize that the dog has moved houses, so that lets the soldiers know people are out there for the dog to have been moved.
What does Lee mean when he says ‘we might have to make some ugly choices?’
They might need to leave the dog behind or even kill it.
How is Ellie’s image of Kevin changing in this chapter?
She doesn't entirely dislike him anymore.
Is the decision to split into smaller groups a wise one? Give reasons
In some situations, if you split into groups it can help and get things done quicker. If that was me I wouldn't have split into groups because of what has happened to Lee and Robyn.
Why is it that Elli’s group decides to act ‘illogically’ and survey the Showgrounds together?
Ellie thinks that it's a good idea because if they are all together nobody is able to get lost.
Why does the idea of a female soldier surprise Ellie?
This could be because she thinks that to be a soldier you have to be male or maybe because she is only used to seeing male soldiers. So when she sees on it surprises her.
If your parents were captured in a situation like this, would they have been ‘sensible’, or would there have been violence?
I think that my mom would have sensible and thought which would be the best way to handle this kind of situation.
How is Ellie ‘transformed’ once she steps out from behind a tree near the Showgrounds?
When Ellie was behind the tree she was very thankful and affectionate of the tree because it was a very good way of hiding her and her friends. When she steps away from the tree and something happens mysteriously she starts panicking and screaming and she was really stressed out that time 
Ellie and Kevin’s quick-thinking allowed them to turn a ride-on lawnmower into a bomb. Was this moral behavior? Did they do the right thing, or should they have surrendered themselves?
I really don't think that this is the best thing that they could have done. This is because they didn't know why the soldiers were there they just assumed that they were bad, but they could've just been protecting the people of Wirrawee.
Predict what you think has happened to Lee and Robyn.
I think they may have gotten with someone else, or they might be kidnapped

Chapter Eight
How does Ellie feel after the lawn mower incident?
She didn't want to think about what she had done and she couldn't believe it. ". I was filled with horror. I felt that my life was permanently damaged, that I could never be normal again, that the rest of my life would just be a shell." She feels like she will never be the same.
How does she think the others will react to her story once she tells it?
She was afraid "that if (she) told the story of the mower with any drama at all, the others would get all macho about it, and start acting like it was a big heroic thing."
How do they actually react? Why?
they are supportive and "grim-faced."
Homer says, “This is war now, normal rules don’t apply. They’re the ones who tore up the rulebook, not us”” What does this say about his character? What do you think of the validity of his opinions?
It says that he doesn’t blame or judge her because they all have to do what they need to survive. Also, we can tell that he plays fair.
Fi talks about the ‘shadows’, during their reconnaissance. What are these shadows and what are the implications due to their existence?
The shadows are people but since Fi wasn't able to see them fully she had called them shadows, she also knew that they weren’t soldiers they were people like Ellie and her group.
What pieces of evidence from the book inform the reader that this invasion wasn’t entirely peaceful? Find at least 3 examples.
Maybe the fact that there were so many places that had been ruined or the fact that some streets had a lot of blood on the roads and walls. Also because as soon as the soldiers heard something they would shoot.

Tomorrow When The War Began Chapter 1 to 4

Tomorrow When the War Brief Information

Full Title:
Tomorrow, When the War Began
John Marsden
Type of Work:
Young Adult Fiction
Time & Place Written
Australia, 1993
Date of First Publication:
Mc Pherson Printing Group
Current Edition:

Narrator/ Point of View:
Past tense- reflective
The leading character, hero or heroine
Ellie, Corrie, Homer, Fi, Kevin, Lee, Robyn, Chris
The character who actively opposes the protagonist

Setting (Time)

Setting (Place)
Australian Outback

Tomorrow When The War Began

Chapter 1
What are the advantages and disadvantages of first-person narration?
He's telling that how he meet the characters
Why do you think Ellie needs to tell the story in chronological order?
To show to the readers how will she impacted on Robyn person.
Pick one interesting word from the chapter, find its meaning, and explain why it is interesting.
I choose concentric means of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes which share the same center, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller. because I read it and sound's new to what I've usually done.
John Marsden foreshadows several events and characters in this chapter. Make three predictions based on the evidence in the text about what may occur later in the story.
What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers?
Ellie was telling to her friends to believe what is she saying.
What set of skills do these characters have that convince their parents that they can ‘go bush’ independently. Find examples for three characters?

Chapter Two
How did the group of teenagers ascend Tailors Stitch?
They used Ellie’s Dad’s Land Rover to ascend Taylor’s Stitch.
What are the two special events happening the day after the teenagers leave for the bush?
Two special things are the friendship’s start to spin the web between them, and the learn of each other’s life.
How many days were they planning on staying? How much food do you think is reasonable to bring, split among 7 teenagers?
They planned on staying for ten days. This was a reasonable amount of time, however, the food amount that was taken was not really enough, or rationed well enough at the start.
Who is the Hermit and what is he supposed to have done?
Hermit is an old mythical bushman from up Taylor’s Stitch and down Satan’s Steps. It is thought he murdered and cannibalized his wife and two kids.
Do you think the Hermit will be significant to this story? Why/Why not?
I think Hermit may be significant later if they ever decide to return.
Is their decent down Satan’s Steps into Hell dangerous? Discuss what are the dangers, how could they have made it safer, what would you have done?
If they had been well prepared from the beginning, they may have taken a rope to help the descent. Their descent was certainly not safe, with a large air of danger. I would have strung a rope to something when the going got tough, or there were rocks to descend.
Predict what the bridge signifies
I think the bridge signifies that some things are stronger than others, and in times of neglect they will be stronger than some other things.

Chapter Three
Why does Robyn think they are the only people ever to have gone to Hell?
Robyn thinks that they are the only ones to have gone to hell because of how desolate and untouched the landscape looks to the naked eye, however that theory is abolished at the bridge.
Why do you think the valley is called Hell?
I think the Valley is called Hell due to cutting off, and calm it is. Also because of the dense, hard to reach difficult landscape, it may be called hell.
Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? How is this ironic?
The teenagers may seem like hell because of the fact that they are disturbing their natural homes and little sanctuaries that will have been built in the clearing. This is ironic because some of the teenagers think it is hell because of the animals.
What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter?
We get the idea that he is tough until something does not go his way, and then he gets scared or irritated incredibly fast.
What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character? Use examples from the text to support your thinking
I think that Ellie likening Fi to perfection is not the best example, however it seems as though that may be nearly correct.
At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story to commenting about her life in the present - why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style?
Because it brings in a feeling of connectedness for what is about to come, wheres beforehand it was a lead up to the larger events.

Chapter Four
Do you think the way they handled the snake incident was appropriate? What could they have done differently?
No, I do not. The way that the situation with the snake was handled was not thought out enough, if they had had rope or string,
they could have tied the end of the sleeping bag in a knot, with sticks tied into a tree.
Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labeled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell?
I think that Ellie may have been correct about people being hell.
What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance?
I think the characteristics showed fear, but it was soon smothered.
Corrie and Kevin are the only couples in the group, but the trip was bound to bring friends closer. So why does Homer’s interest in Fi seem so odd to Ellie?
Ellie means that she knows what Homer means about the question because he likes Fi and Ellie gets the type of question he is asking.
Fi brushes off the planes coming back from Commemoration Day. Why do you think the planes were flying over Wirrawee?
Because everyone is celebrating that day and the army is out doing parades.
Robyn claims there were dozens and dozens of planes flying over them. What is Lee’s response? Is his suggestion reasonable?
Lee’s response is one of terror, trying to keep pace with the rest of the group. I think that Lee is an orderly person, and was trying to keep peace with himself.