
Wednesday 26 September 2018

Life After Technology

Life After Technology

Isn’t really a life at all because nowadays technology is life.
Why chat in person when I can chat online
After all, I have more friends on Facebook than I do in “real life.”

 Our world is so digital.
Critical thinking is no longer a necessity.Reality is now confined in an
Eighty inches by forty inch HD TV. We can’t see.
We are blinded by the light that comes from our phones. A home
Is now just a button we press. To escape the mess of a Multi-tasking establishment.

I fear that we will never hear the rustling of papers and leaves
Because we’ll be too busy typing away At our keyboards.
Before, children used to play outside, In the snow and in the sand.
But now, kids half my age Do those same things on an iPad.

Kids will never learn to surf the ocean waves
Because they’re too busy surfing from page to page
On the World Wide Web. It’s like a spider that has injected its venom,
A virus that’s crawling its way to our

God-given hard drive. We have forgotten what it feels like to live our lives offline.
We can no longer recall The sound of shoes against the asphalt
Because by the time we’re out the door, We’re already listening to our iPods.

 We only converse with Siri: “Speak to text”, “search the web”, “can you give me directions?”
I’ve shunned both Mother Nature and Father Time in the face.
But I can just face-time to replace The old-fashioned face-to-face social interaction
That my generation had erased from their lives.

We can no longer recall The sound of cracking branches before they fall
Because we’re too busy watching videos go viral. We tweet one another
More than baby birds tweet for their mothers. We stare into Windows and communicate through Apple
Instead of staring out of windows and giving each other apples.

 The mornings have gotten dark and cold,
But we’re too distracted by the apps on our phones. We’re mesmerized, hypnotized, satisfied
By a two-by-four block of metal that sits in our pockets. We settle for something that cannot love us back. Emotion is the one thing that technology lacks.

As humans, we were born with this quality,
But our brains have been programmed to believe. That technology is our reality.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Creative Writting

Chocolate Pool

I never imagined how it feels like when i fall into a giant pool which i can’t explain what does it look like i never fall into that giant pool  in my whole life,when i fall down onto giant pool.I can smell a dark cocoa which is i can smell in all over the pool it make me interested what this all about it made me think that this is a just a dream, i pinch myself to wake up and face whether it’s true or not.I saw a man who was wearing all white clothes on the giant pool he offered me to taste some inside that pool, i was confused why he wants me to try it i refuse on the first place to taste it because of what may happen to me that it might be poisonous and it might cause my death he still didn’t give up on  me to taste it he forced me to try it once for my life i tried it tastes really sweet it bring back to me again when i taste it when i was a kid.

It was good that you thought something outside the box. It would be better if you finished your story and the sentence structure is organized.

Creative Writing With 4 People

Maybe this is the worst thing to have experienced in my life especially it’s on valentines. I’m Annika this might be the worst Valentine that I have experienced its when i was on the mall at 1:00 pm. I was going to meet with my best friends and we are going to celebrate Valentine’s day at the park. The park is the loving place we always go to. As I was waiting for them, somebody flicked my ear. What the hell? Who was it?. I turned to look who did that and I saw someone running away, which I supposed the person flicked me.

They made me run after them, but I’m metamorphoses. I only know that if I fall on you your definitely not going to the sky. I finally catch you, white mask and all, you bring with you the pain of all my other wives, and girlfriends. Now I’m going to give it to you. Zips are pulled down, and regret is not given.

He had tried but I was stubborn, He had tried so hard, I had to find something to teach this dude some manners, I had learned some fighting skills of a random old man in class a while ago and I had decided to try it. I had put all these skills to use and took his knife off him and started stabbing him, This was something he deserved I thought in my head I had wanted no one else to experience the pain. 

Growing Nz Innovation Challenge

 Growing Nz Innovation Challenge 


Hi guys! I'm now writing a blog post for this topic on DTE which is "Growing Nz Innovation Challenge".For the past few weeks on DTE. This term Me, Vince, And Lindley was put in a group for this topic our problem is to find a solution for the farmers which is "Maintaining Water Supply" and also to create something new which may help a lot of farmers. We supposed to find a solution on pipe leaks and breaks. It took us almost 5 weeks just to make this project and on that 5 weeks, we supposed to find and make a solution on how we are going to help the farmers solve their problem. We learn a lot of new things about this topic and problem.


Just what I said before our chosen topic is "Maintaining Water Supply".We chose this because every farmer in the global world is experiencing this problem not like just here in New Zealand that can experience this And we also chose this topic because we are getting heaps of ideas on it, we also think that we can really learn something about this problem. Every topic has a lot of different challenges you had to face off. For this topic, the challenge we face to is to"create a new way for farmers to quickly identify that there is a problem with the pipes and locate where it is".

In our first lesson on this topic, Mr.Carter sent us a video to watch related to this topic that we choose so that's why we can get some ideas about this topic. After that, Mr.Carter told us to choose an enabler that we are going to use on what are we going to make. We really had to think what we gonna choose because once you picked the wrong or the right one it might make cause a lot of problems or not and also might be not helpful or helpful for the farmers we think it really smartly. The two enablers that we choose is "Nanotechnology" and "Network and Sensors"

We picked "Network And Sensors" because we have to use the "Sensor" for our design to detect the leak on the pipes. The other thing also is "Network" we are using the network to email or notify the farmer that there was a leak on the pipes. And last but not the least is the "Nanotechnology"

Once we decided what enablers are we going to use. So me and my group have got a little discussion on what we are going to make. We had a lot of ideas for this but we only choose one. After we had a discussion, we agreed on one design, and that is Lindley's design. His design is going to be a tube looking with a sensor, network, and a nanotechnology. This tube was going to be installed around the water pipes.

Here is how our design will work. When the sensor detects a leak, it will send a message to the farmer/s that there is a leak on one of the pipes. When the farmer received the message, farmer/s will send the nanotech to fix the broken pipes.

When we had an idea we went to "Tinkercad" to create our design. It took us about 3-4 weeks to create and finish the design. Here is what our prototype looks like.

This is the prototype that Vince and Lindley built in Tinkercad. I know it has heaps of things going on with it, so let me describe it to you. The big orange tube is the water leak detector and the little yellow circle beside it is the sensor. The tube has 2 wires attached to it. These two wires are separated because once it meets each other it will activate the alarm. Electricity moves in water, so when water touches the two wires. The water will connect the two wires and be turning the alarm on.


In the last two weeks, we've been told to make a presentation about our topic. We will be presenting it to the whole class. Me and Vince are the ones who make our presentation on "Prezi" while Lindley is the making our notes.

Here is the link to the presentation that we made about our topic. Click Me If You Want To See Our Presentation :>

What can you say about our prototype? Can this will help a lot of farmers out there?

Monday 24 September 2018

Weather With You

Weather With You 

I looked out the window. The sky greyish and the large clouds were moving towards me. I heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter patter. People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.
                                           Image result for a girl looking out the window with heavy rains outside

Joints Problem

Joint Problems
Causes & Symptoms
Visit the Arthritis topic for more information on osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

You may be more likely to develop joint problems if you have certain risk factors such as:

A family history of arthritis (arthritis in parents or siblings)
Older age
Being female (higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis) or male (higher risk of gout)
Previous joint injuries
Being overweight or obese

In arthritic joints, your protective cartilage disappears, allowing small fractures and pits to appear on bone surfaces and causing painful bone-on-bone friction. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of a lifetime of wear and tear.  Nerves under the cartilage become irritated and muscles and tendons may become inflamed. Past injuries or infections can also lead to arthritis in the affected joint.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
In this condition, your body’s immune system attacks joint tissues, causing eventual destruction of the cartilage and bone along with the membranes. Blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves, as well as other organs, may also be damaged.

Gout and Pseudogout
These two conditions are caused by a build-up of crystals from your bloodstream that collects in your joints – often in a single joint such as the knee or big toe. Uric acid crystals are responsible in gout, while in pseudogout, the culprit is calcium pyrophosphate crystals. These conditions may be linked to kidney disease or other conditions, certain medications, diet, too much alcohol intake, injuries, infection, or heredity.

Bursitis is caused by inflamed bursae (plural of bursa). The bursa is a protective sac around some joints including the shoulder and elbow. Bursitis may be caused by overuse or stress on the joint. In older people, it may accompany osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or pseudogout.  The most commonly involved bursae are around the shoulder, elbow, and knees.

There is no known cause for fibromyalgia, but there may be genetic and environmental components involved.

Rotator Cuff Injuries
Injuries to the rotator cuff are usually the result of years of stress on the muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint, but your genes may also play a role in making you more susceptible.

Frozen Shoulder
A frozen shoulder occurs when the ligaments in the shoulder joint become inflamed and develop tiny scars as they heal, which makes them seem “glued together,” which causes the “freezing” of the shoulder. The changes that come from aging, such as reduced production of lubricating fluid in the joint or worsening arthritis may contribute to it, but it mostly comes from lack of use of the shoulder because of chronic pain or damage.

Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon or the protective synovial membrane around a tendon. It is caused by overuse of the joint in younger people, but older people are at higher risk because tendons get less flexible and more vulnerable to stress with age.   Commonly involved tendons include those around the shoulder, elbow, and base of the thumb.

Why is cartilage is important?
Cartilage connective tissue is important because it provides support, but is less rigid than bone. It also allows for some flexibility of movement but has more stability than muscle. The extracellular matrix of cartilage is produced by cells called chondroblasts.

4 items 1 paragraph

A few days from now I'll be turning thirteen I'm finally in my teenage years, I was really excited that time this is because I'm thinking about what my parents are gonna give a present for me this year because last year I receive a camera which I really like I'm been using it anywhere where I go, But this year I'm hoping that I can receive a ticket for a concert to my favorite boy band I'm wishing I can get it......Until the day has come when I realized that this day is now my birthday, I'm a bit surprised that my parents and my family are not preparing anything for a party like I've experienced for a past year it seems new to me. I wonder what is going on now I message my brother if he knows something that my parents he didn't reply to me, I even call him and he's not even answering I waited for a few hours until my parents call me and ask me where I was on that time, I said I'm at home waiting for you I ask where they are my mom saying we are in a restaurant you should come now..Then suddenly somebody picks me up at our house when we are on way to the restaurant I feel so hot that time I open the window on the car I saw something which is flowing inside our car it's a paper i hurriedly took it so that's why i can look at it. It looks like a ticket and it was a BTS concert ticket I was jumping into our car because of the excitement...We came to the restaurant I saw that it seems nobody is there my brother called me that he was inside in the restaurant I go inside it was totally dark then I was so surprised that my whole family and friends were there they really surprised me.
I actually bit sad and happy that time first I thought my parents forgot my birthday secondly I felt so warm and happy that they planned this surprise party for me. My parents gave me something it's a present that I'm waiting for I was so excited that time what present might be inside of it there was a box I opened it and I receive an army bomb that I haven't had before. I think this is the best day of my life that I've experienced.

Image result for teenage birthday themesImage result for army bomb ver 3Image result for presentImage result for a ticket