
Thursday 25 October 2018

Absurb Warnings

Social Media 

Warning: using Social Media can make me you addicted and you can get so much sick and get you ill as a result of this many people forgot to eat,sleep,study/work and as a result of this people got a seizure sometimes might be a cause of your death. So now reduce so much using it and being addicted to it. Just spend your time with your family, friends and many more remember this life is worth it more than any else.

Sentence Starter Writing

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility "

With the help of my friends they make me feel so special help with my problems to solve it. Great friendship among us three is really unbelievable that even the most stronger earthquake will never break us. the Power of love that they show and give to one another is unconditional loves. I felt like being as a bear also made as Comes as a person that has also a lot of terms and conditions about our friendship. Being passionate about our friendship brings a lot of Great experience and opportunities to really test our friendship but also it brings a lot of Responsibility for us to help with each others problem and love each other.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Show Don't Tell

Totally Unexpected
Meeting with our different two worlds
There is only one link
It sounds like the sound of it

Is not there enough pain and everything?
That I will never share with you
Your eye reveals you
Cries of love

Why not
The loss is missing
We hope that we can still see each other
From North to West
You are the destination of my life 
And as your refuge
I will rescue you

Where are you going?
Bare and mysterious
The storm of destiny is crazy
I'm bringing you the heat of my arm

Friday 12 October 2018

Robotics Vs Mechatronics

Art Blog

She had a galaxy in her eyes, A universe in her mind...

In Art, we make some intaglio for the last week of term, btw what is different of lino-block printmaking or drypoint. Which did you prefer? Why? - Lino printing is a relief kind of printmaking then drypoint is an intaglio. But the most noticeable difference between lino and drypoint is the materials that we use, for example, the way we cut the plates and such. In lino printing, we use a lino-block, it's a hard material. However, in drypoint, we use plexiglass soft and smooth the lines and burr are very fragile too. Personally, I prefer doing lino. I felt confident doing them compared to drypoint because if you made a mistake in drypoint, you could find a way to get around it and fix it unlike in lino prints. You also need some skill if you're applying ink on lino.

The 6 Sentences Story

Once upon a time, there was a kid name Filius, She is born in a really small town which they called Ravenclaw village?. They called it Ravenclaw because of a man who bought the village was a really a fan of a Harry Potter books and also movies. Filius has a special talent even though she can't see she can paint and play the piano. Until one beautiful sunny day her parents abduct her on a one darkness forest which you cannot find anyone in there, Filius was shocked at that moment she has no idea why she was there she'd asked her parents "Ma, Pa why were here what are we doing here", Her parents replied we gonna leave you here cause your useless to our family your talent is not much for our family. Filius felt that time was sad and angriness she thinks this why her parents left me here because I can't see and my talent is just painting and playing piano but why would they do that to their daughter should I blame myself or my parents to what they have done for me. One day I was walking towards to see if the forest has something on it and hiding in a very dangerous place or scary I saw this house with some people talking inside on it I knock on the door and also to ask if I can stay here forever and they open the door and answered my question they said I can stay here forever and they've even asked if it's ok that I can be their child too I also said yes and said to them, that my parents abandon me in the middle of the forest because of how much useless I am to my former family, They said everyone is not useless any people have a different sort of talents that you will never compare to one another even though you can't see your talented so much for us.