
Tuesday 9 May 2017

Boiled Water

Time to boil water

The measurement of the temperature of 50 ml of water every 30 sec. until 5 min. was 100.2.


  • Bunsen Burner
  • Tri-pod
  • Gauze Mat
  • Beaker
  1. Measure exactly 50 ml of water in the 100 ml measuring cylinder.
  2. Put this water in the 250 ml beaker, and set that up on top of the tri-pod and gauze mat.
  3. Prepare the bunsen burner to be lit, and hove someone ready to measure the temperature and someone keeping a track of time.
  4. Have a table prepared for results.
  5. Light the bunsen burner (I will supply a lighter), and change to the blue flame then put the bunsen under your beaker.
  6. Measure the water temperature every 30 seconds from 0 to 5 minutes
  7. Turn off the bunsen burner and leave everything to cool off for a few mins.
  8.  Pack up your equipment.

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