
Tuesday 30 May 2017


Every member of the community would have at least one facial tattoo, except commoners or slaves (people who had no social status).

The men believed that their tattoos made them both attractive to women, and made them fierce warriors.

Maori women were also tattooed but only on their lips 
       and chin. The chin Moko was always the most popular, 
       and continued to be practiced even into the 1970s.

Wairua (mana). The chin

Monday 29 May 2017

Richard Taylor

Image result for richard taylorRichard Taylor

Richard Taylor was grew up on a farm at Hihi near Pukekohe.He made his own fun such as giving his sister artificial wounds and sculptures out of mud in the creek.When he was child he was dyslexic but at Wesley Collage he read a lot.

He knew form about age 11 that his future work would be making things.He studied at the wellington School of Design.Richard has been with his partner,Tania,since they were 13 years old.In 1987 they set up Richard  Taylor Effects the back room of their flat.They provided special effects and puppet work for clients.They developed a close working relationship with New Zealand film director Peter Jackson and Jamie Selkirk to become Weta Workshop.It is now known as one of the world's top digital effects houses.

It has provided special effects for many films and television shows such as the Hercules and Xena Series,The Last Samurai,The Legends of Zorro,King Kong.On the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Weta Provided the design,Fabrication,and on set operation of the creatures,miniatures,armour,weaponry,special make- up effects and prosthetics such as Hobbit feet.It made over 48,000 separate items.For this work,Richard won four Academy Awards and three Baftas.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Please Forgive Me Monologue/Scrpit

Please Forgive Me…

JESSE talks to his girlfriend about how bad he feels over speaking to her so poorly.

JESSE:I didn’t mean to make you feel insignificant.  I feel so horrible about it that I would rather cut off my arm and it wouldn’t even come close.  I didn’t mean to make you cry and get you upset.  I love you and think the world of you and I’d be nothing without you by my side.  You give me the strength and the courage to do the things I do because you believe in me so much.  I wouldn’t have this confidence and I’d be f  filled with doubt…I wish I could hurt myself worse in some way because you stand     by    my side and didn’t deserve to be spoken to that way.

I’m sorry babe, please forgive me…

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