
Thursday 6 December 2018

Move To Improve (Presenatation)

Hi, Y'all I'm back again for another blog. so you all know that we are doing a passion project for about 4 weeks( 2 days per week ). I enjoy doing it neither my friends because it may help us in the future to be fitter and healthier eater but not for only me but every single person who did this project.I'm back again because I want to share what we've learned for a couple a weeks ago on MOVE- TO-IMPROVE.So Mr.Hillard give us a task to every single group to create a 2-minute video/presentation to what we've learned and here is what we created:

Monday 3 December 2018

Move To Improve (Goal Setting)

My Goal Setting

Overall Health
  • To lose weight 
  • To improve muscle mass 
  • Learn how to eat healthy foods that are gonna help me in the future
What should the average of 15 years old female be eating in a day?

How many calories do you need per day?
- To people who are moderately active needs 2000 to 2,400 calories per day.
- To people  who aren't very active and not really doing activities daily needs about 1,800 calories.

How much protein, carbohydrates and fat do you need?
- 46 grams of protein is needed each day for a 15 year old female.
- 50% to 60% of carbohydrates (1,080 calories) should be in a 15 year old female.
- Nothing more than 30% of fats (540 calories) should be in a 15 year old female.