
Wednesday 11 April 2018

Defend the Kings Treasure Against the Alien

Defend the Kings Treasure Against the Alien 

This blog post is about sharing what I've been learned on DTE this couple a weeks ago.So me and my class was learning about how to create a game or an app. We had our discussion of what we're going to do for our project that which is to make an game.So me and my group decided to do a tower defense game.

DLO: Padlet And Coggle

Here is the photo of our Digital Learning Outcome.


So our teacher told us to create an padlet and coggle so we can express what our game is gonna look like.In first place when we having a discussion my group and i can't  decide which game our we gonna do.Until we research some games and suddenly we choose a tower defense game.We do our researching for about 2-3 weeks ago that is about a tower defense game and some facts about this game.

I like the padlet and coggle because it's the easiest way to express your thoughts and its interactive cause of the backgrounds that you can change to whenever you want.Padlet also look like a white board that you can put everything like images,videos,or link and some information.Coggle is a bit different from Padlet just because coggle look likes an connecting lines or an tree but sometimes it keeps hanging but sometimes it's not.

I am happy that Mr.Carter put me on the group that i comfortable to work with.But sometimes we're be coming to much loud because we are laughing so much and we're disturbing the other groups who are working quietly.

What i learned from here is that anyone else can create or make something that they haven't done it before and can also learn something new using the Padlet And Coggle.And that your group is also there to support and help you.


Can you try the coggle and padlet next time when your working with something?

1 comment:

  1. i like the way you write about your reflection, good job you put every details on it keep up the good work.


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