
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Domestic Violence

"Domestic Violence"
At Hornby High, we have been asked how we can have a positive impact on our community? 
To do this first we had to choose a topic. I chose Domestic Violence because it is something that I think may affect too many people in our community not just in our community but the whole world and many people are affected of it especially the women's that suffering violence around the world I would like to find some way to make a difference. We had to work in groups that had a similar vision to us.Other people that had a similar vision to me were Devie, Lathia, and Roanne. We formed a group called “ La.Ro.T.Vie" that came from our names To help us understand Domestic Violence further we needed to find websites that gave us information on what is what and what you can do. Here is a list of the websites we found

Website Name
Date we accessed
Domestic Violence
World Health Organization

It’s not ok
Abuse Hurts
Australian Constitute of Criminology
New Zealand Police


We then had to answer some questions about our topic: 
Who is affected? All of the people might be affected on this domestic violence.
What are the issues? Some of Domestic Violence are Sexual,Social and physical
When and how did this start? So we  don’t know when did this started but we are sure that domestic violence  has occur back in old times, in the era of our old old old old ancestors.
Where is it happening? All over the world. The statistics for Christchurch in particular are really scary. 

Why is this happening? Violence is happening because of the build-up tensions and a breakdown in communication.Stress and state in life or poverty are one of the biggest reason why domestic violence happens.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the way you put details on what you doing and staying on point. Thoughtful of you adding a table where you got your information from. Good Job


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