
Saturday 18 February 2017

Letter to Mr.P

Hi,Mr.P This A little Bit
Information About Me

About Me

Hi Mr.P my name is Thamhie,But you can call me either jhamhie I am the youngest child of Sherman and Jocelyn.I have one brother Who is studying here he is now on Year 13.I was born in the Manila,Philippines.I have 9 cousins they All boys and i am the only girl,I grew up with my
Grandmother and Grandfather When i was Growing up It’s Really hard cause you’re really far on your father.My Grandmother always saying that I am a daddy’s girl.And my mom told me that my name is came from the subject mathematics.


I like doing photography.editing video.exploring other things and i want to travel all over the world.
I like watching horror,korean,drama and sci-fiction movies.My favorite sports is Volleyball,
Badminton and Football.I like eating salads,ice cream and Sandwiches.Sometimes i do Baking,Kick
Boxing,Writing Poem,I like the colours Red, Blue,Pink,White and Black.My favorite T.V Show is The
Big bang theory,Pretty Little Liars and PBB It’s a filipino tv show.And also my favorite songs is Baby Blue Eyes,Always Be My Baby,Closer,Perfect Two and Many more.


My Goals This year is to be a number one of all subjects and try other things that i never tried before.
I want to be fit,strong and healthy.And be Confident who you are and be proud of yourself what you

Can do and achieve.And I will never give up of anything that make me feel weak.

Good Drama Student

How Can I manage Myself@Drama

Managing Myself @Drama 😁😃😊

I controlled myself what i said to others,especially in teachers And I respect others....

How I Participating In Drama🤔😐😏

I always keep trying in drama even i can't do it....

Relating With Others @Drama😌😩🤗

I give a a positive and fair feedback to them so that's why I'm not gonna hurt their feelings....Image result for Drama


3 Things You Won't Know About Me

1.) I don't Like seafood.

2.) I really like math and history.

3.) I Like doing photography and editing video.

Contract Treaty Or Class Treaty


Class Treaty

In Social Studies with Mr.P,we set up a Class Treaty
The Treaty represents the rules of our class Mr.P
Came up 6 rules and our class come up with 6.
Our goal each class is to respect this treaty and follow the rules.Mr.P and our entire class signed the treaty

Tuesday 14 February 2017

The Man with the coconuts

The Man with the coconuts

One day a man who had been to gather his coconuts loaded his horse heavily with the fruit. On the way home he met a boy whom he asked how long it would take to reach the house.
"If you go slowly," said the boy, looking at the load on the horse, "you will arrive very soon; but if you go fast, it will take you all day."

The man could not believe this strange speech, so he hurried his horse. But the coconuts fell off and he had to stop to pick them up. Then he hurried his horse all the more to make up for lost time, but the coconuts fell off again. Many time he did this, and it was night when he reached home?

Image result for the man with the coconuts

Juan had been working hard for hours.  He had been hired to harvest coconuts for a wealthy man.  He started early in the morning before the sun came up.  He traveled in the dark to get to the grove where the cocoanuts grew.  All morning he had climbed up and down the cocoanut palms.

He tied his machete a long rope.  Up the tree he climbed.  Pull up the sharp machete on the rope.  He cut the cocoanuts from their high branches on the tree.  He dropped each cocoanut to the ground.

Then Juan loaded all of the cocoanuts into large baskets tied to the back of his horse.  It had been a huge and tiring job.  It should have taken him several days to harvest the fruits.  Yet he was done by the time the sun was at its highest in the sky.  All he had to do was to deliver cocoanuts to the home of the owner to receive his pay.  Just as Juan started on the road to the owner's house, he saw a young boy.

"How long will it take to reach the owner's house?" asked Juan.

"If you go slowly, said the boy, "you will be there very soon.  But, if you go very fast, you will get there by tomorrow."

"What a foolish boy!" thought Juan.  "That boy is not very smart!"  Then Juan began to hurry down the road.  As he pulled the horse along at a fast speed, cocoanuts began to fall off the loaded baskets.  Juan had to stop to pick up the cocoanuts and to adjust the load on the horse's back.

"Now I have lost time," Juan thought.  "I have to hurry to make up for lost time."  More cocoanuts fell off the top of the full baskets.  Cocoanuts inside the baskets bounced out and rolled down the hill.  The more Juan tried to hurry, the more cocoanuts fell and rolled away.  Each time, Juan found it more tiring to go after the fallen cocoanuts, pick them up and reload his horse.

The sun began to set, and Juan saw the owner's house at the top of the hill.  He began to hurry once more.  His hurrying caused the horse to stumble, and cocoanuts again flew out of the baskets and onto the ground.  This time, the sun set.

Poor Juan.  He could not see the cocoanuts in the dark and could not deliver them until the next day.  If he had gone slowly, he would have been there soon.  Instead, he hurried too fast and could not deliver the cocoanuts until the next day.

The boy had not been so foolish after all.