
Tuesday 22 May 2018


Have you ever meet someone that change your life? In John G.Avildsen’s."The Power of One”this shown when the moment peekay met Geel Piet on the prison just because of his grandfather got imprisoned for no reason so that's why peekay has to come with his grandfather. This shown that peekay met someone that is gonna help him for his future career in boxing and that is Geel Piet.

A moment that the main character peekay change his entire life when he lost both of his parents and have to go in the english school and bullied from his other classmates he meets his grandfather especially 'Geel Piet' on the prison when his grandfather got imprisoned for accusing something that his grandfather never did and some of the Jewish police brought peekay's grandfather on the jail no reason so that's why peekay has to come with his grandfather on the jail  This shown that peekay met someone that is gonna help him for his future career in boxing and that is Geel Piet. This time was so frustrating for peekay's life because his parents have just died and he had to go to school which is away from his home and he also had to say goodbye for his nanny who raised him since he was born  After everything  just happened to him,Peekay suffered a lot from his school and even his chicken ‘mother courage’ even not too late they've killed his best friend, being bullied to school that made his life like in the hell.

When Peekay's parents have died. and totally abandoned him, he felt that he has no place to go too, but suddenly his grandfather look for him and came to him to help him. When Peekay already at his grandfather's house they always doing piano, boating, planting and many more. One time when they planting something outside of their house the Jewish police came to their house and ask his grandfather's name if he's Professor Karl "Doc" Von Vollensteen and his grandfather replied to the Jewish police that he's the one that the police looking for, then suddenly the policemen invited them to go to jail as they went through it peekay realizing how hard is to be an apartheid when they're walking towards from jail they've seen a boxing ring with the two men were are doing a boxing practice. Geel Piet comes peekay and asks his name he suddenly replied to him that they have the same name but not the same pronunciation. Geel Piet ask peekay if he wants to learn boxing and peekay was like a bit interest of boxing. Geel Piet told peekay that they will start learning boxing as soon as possible and they actually start doing boxing then suddenly the Jewish policemen noticed that Geel Piet was talking about with Doc And Peekay about the future of peekay that he will turn to a really good boxing player, So that's why the policemen hit Geel Piet, Peekay tell him something that is gonna help for himself.

We already saw this when peekay help the other Africans are learning English from Peekay. As we can see on the picture the.African lady teaching the other Africans to learn English which may help them from the future. Peekay inspired the Africans to learn it so that’s why when the Jewish people talking to them they can understand it. The purpose of the director is too show to the audience that the African lady teach others English what peekay teach to her and peekay encourage her to teach it to othersThis makes the audience shocked and amazed because after what happened to Maria the Africans still learning English even though Maria died they are still inspiring themselves. This combines with first when Maria died from the Jewish soldier who hit her on a head that causes her death. And also when they trying to teach the Africans to learn English but suddenly the Jewish soldiers came up to them try to kill everyone and destroy everything. This link to when peekay and his grandfather that goes to the Africans. And they have to stay there for a long time to help the African to plant something or anything else.

Peekay was lucky to have someone that is there to help him himself after all the hardships that he suffered in life. He lifted himself to look for a purpose on his life and he found out that boxing his passion on his life, he saw things are f different from before, he learned some new things and gained knowledge being.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Stone Age tools Intro

Stone Age Tools Intro

Image result for stone age tools
  1. What problems did people face in the stone age? they don't have tools to get some foods
  2. What food did they eat? fruits, roots and raw meat
  3. What were used to hunt food? stone, stick, and bone 
  4. What was difficult about using stones?
  5. What did they do about this problem?
  6. What kind of tools were used?
  7. What type of tools could they make when adding wood and stones together? arrow 
  8. What is an axe and pickaxe used for? For cutting a treeImage result for stone age tools

Monday 14 May 2018

Close-viewing of The Power of One 2018 Sexxy paragarph

The Power Of One Paragraph
Hi, guys, it's me again today I'm gonna shared what we are learning in English for a couple a weeks ago is S.E.X.X.Y Paragraph here is what I learned. I hope you guys enjoy it 

1st paragraph

The director John G. Avildsen, uses a film aspect Mid-long shot to effectively show to the audience that. Africans are learning English from Peekay. As we can see on the picture the.African lady teaching the other Africans to learn English which may help them from the future. Peekay inspired the Africans to learn it so that’s why when the Jewish people talking to them they can understand it. The purpose of the director is too show to the audience that the African lady teach others English what peekay teach to her and peekay encourage her to teach it to othersThis makes the audience shocked and amazed because after what happened to Maria the Africans still learning English even though Maria died they are still inspiring themselves. This combines with first when Maria died from the Jewish soldier who hit her on a head that causes her death. And also when they trying to teach the Africans to learn English but suddenly the Jewish soldiers came up to them try to kill everyone and destroy everything.
This link to when peekay and his grandfather that goes to the Africans. And they have to stay there for a long time to help the African to plant something or anything else.

2nd Paragraph

The film aspect that the director has been used is mid shot where Maria’s part is showing up when she was looking at peekay. For example, here we see that Maria was shocked because Peekay stared at her while he is doing boxing and pk was amazed by her beauty even her friends noticed it. The purpose of this shot is to show to the audience that Peekay was so shocked when he see’s Maria in the middle of the arena, He was so amazed by her beauty. This makes the audience feel surprised and amazed because of her beautifulness. And also excited because Peekay actually met her. This combines with a lighting from a camera and elegant clothes that she is wearing that makes the audience look on her. This can link with when peekay was of the African men who were talking to him about his future.

3rd Paragraph

The film aspect that the director has been used was is medium close up shot which showing peekay and the African was doing a training for their boxing career. As we can see in the picture that the two men were doing a practice for their boxing that some of Africans came proudly for the peekay doing for them. The purpose of the director is too show to the audience that Africans was raising him for what he did for the Africans life. This makes the audience feel proud because of what peekay did the boxing for the Africans was experiencing apartheid so that's why the Africans were so proud of him. This combines with the dark background and a little bit of exposure so it can focus on the drawing on the window. This link to when peekay was fighting against the other white men which peeekay was trying to give up but he realizes he has something to do with the Africans.

4th Paragraph

For this film aspect that being used is medium close up shot which showing Botha is about to kill/shoot Peekay. For example, here we can see botha in his frightening and terrifying look holding a gun and he is ready to shoot Peekay. The director chooses this shot to directly show to the audiences how Botha is really an antagonist man in this movie. This visualizes that Botha is really gonna stand even on his last breath just to kill peekay. This makes the audience feel terrified and scared of Botha and he has the ability to carry and his power to kill somebody. This combines with the blood on Botha's head and the gun which he is holding while pointing it to peekay. This can be linked to when peekay was pushed to be a sign of defeat. The two of the scenes portraying losing and until the end part achieving nothing and pursuing something can cause failure.

What am I learning?
- For this new part of my learning, I am learning how to create SEXXY paragraphs.
How does this work show my learning?
-Like I said on my what am I learning, by this work I take out my hard working skills to prove to myself that I can do it.
What am I wondering?
-I am wondering what is the next movie or film that we are going to study.