
Friday 23 March 2018

10 English

Film Techniques
Today we are learning about film techniques and this is my work on english.

I am learning about film and this work shows my understanding of the topic. My works serve as my guide to what i learned during our english time.

Sunday 18 March 2018

10 Science

Acid And Bases Experiment

Me and my class was doing experiment about Acids And Bases for a couple of 6 weeks ago and we did a many experiments that is all about our topic.And we called it Neutralisation.

Aim: To neutralize Hydrochloric Acid using Baking Soda

Test tube
Hydrochloric Acid
Universal Indicator
Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

Put the Universal Indicator in the test tube and pour the Hydrochloric Acid in it. Then, add a small amount of baking soda until it turns to green.



Indigestion and Heartburn

pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food.

a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest, caused by acid regurgitation into the oesophagus.

Hydrochloric Acid,Universal Indicator And Other Acids that help you to fight against your Indigestion and Heartburn Experiments.

the picture below show the experiment what we did as a group on science.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Year 10 Social Studies

10Tn Class Treaty

What Have You Signed?A class Treaty that everyone agree on.
Week 1-2
What is Human Rights?Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly protected as legal rights in municipal and international law.

Slave Trade Triangle

What is the slave trade triangle?
Triangular trade. a pattern of colonial commerce in which slaves were bought on the African Gold Coast with New England rum and then traded in the West Indies for sugar or molasses, which was brought back to New England to be manufactured into rum.

What is the First Passage?
The voyage from Europe to Africa becomes known as the first passage. The cargo carried are guns and other weapons.

What is the Middle Passage?
Africans were taken to the Caribbean and sold. They were bartered for a ship-load of tobacco and cotton.

What is the Third Passage?
All the Cotton, Tobacco and other products are put back on ships and sent to Europe. Once the ships get to Europe, they are sold. Then more guns and weapons are purchased.


Slave Songs

Work Songs
  • Slaves needed something to do in the fields. 
  • They were in the fields from sunrise to sunset.
  •  They would sing what they call work songs to keep themselves alert and entertained, but also to   call attention to one another. 
  • These songs tell stories of how the slaves feel at that moment.  They also tell stories from back home.  Since the songs just sung out in the fields they were never written down.


Explain the feeling that you get when you listen to these songs?
I heard here in this song how hard the Africans are sacrificing their life so they can live here.

What kind of information about slavery did you learn from these songs?
What I learned here was how much the Europe tortured and slave the Africans.And How hard the Africans experience this kind of slavery.

What can you relate to in any of these songs?
I can relate to this song is the Filipinos life when Americans came to our own country for their desire of the unique resources that the Philippines have.

What do you think the slaves are talking about in these songs?
How much hard they experience about being slave's from Europeans.

Slave Songs: Spirituals
  • African American spirituals, usually with a Christian religious theme, were originally monophonic and a cappella
  • The terms Negro spiritual, Black spiritual, and African-American spiritual, jubilee, and African-American folk songs are all synonymous. 
  • Spirituals sometimes provided comfort and eased the boredom of daily tasks. 
  • They were an expression of spiritual devotion and a yearning for freedom from bondage. 
  • Sometimes they were a means of releasing pent up emotions and expressing sorrow. 

Slave Songs: Spirituals
      The River Jordan

Became the Ohio River, or the Mississippi, or another body of water that had to be crossed on the journey to freedom.


Harriet Tubman Poster

In this block of learning, I learnt about how Harriet Tubman helped other slaves escaped from slavery to freedom. I have created a poster and here are some fact about her and the Underground Rail Road.

10 Worst Countries for Child Labor

Child Labor - It is a work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way. 
For example: Physically, Mentally, Morally or blocking access to education.

Have you learn something while playing this interland game?

Have you learn something while playing this Interland game app?


This Blog post is about sharing what i learned about this game the important part of this game is you enjoy playing it and you actually learn something about it.This Past 2 weeks me and my class was learning about digital citizenship and cyber Safety. I've done a writing analysis about this app that I've done on Google Docs.


When i'm playing this game i'm enjoying it and then I've learned something about this game that you should be careful off what you sharing.for example i played the tower treasure level that is all about being not to share your password to anyone else that you doesn't even know.

Mindful Mountain-The first level of this game is showing is that we need to be careful about we sharing to any other else. We need to ask permission first or be wise what are we going to post.I think the design and the graphics are good.There is a lot of puzzles that you can solve. I think that it should have more instructions how are you going to accomplish the level. It is a little laggy on other devices.This level is showing us that we need to be honest or be careful on what you're putting down on the internet because it might be a personal information. You also need to be wise on what you are opening on the internet because sometimes it is a hack or an inappropriate links.

Tower Treasure:The second level of the game is showing us that we should be careful or be wise what we’re putting down on the internet like passwords or personal things like credit cards and anything and it also saying that we have to be careful not to share our passwords and stuffs to any others that we don't know .I  like the colours that they did on the level. It really shows that it’s a Tower Treasure. I think that it’s really easy to finish, there is really no challenges on this level so it is really easy to finish.

Kind kingdom:The third level is showing to use the internet to spread all the positivity and block all the mean-spirited and inappropriate behaviors,don't be afraid to speak against bullying and report it every time. I like the surrounding and the obstacles i also like the colouring it’s like a jungle.this level is easy to finish if you played one like this before because you have to master the keys you pressing or else this level is gonna be hard for you.

Reality River:The fourth level is showing us that we need to be honest or be careful on what you're putting down on the internet because it might be a personal information. You also need to be wise on what you are opening on the internet because sometimes it is a hack or an inappropriate links. The purpose of game is to cross the water by having good and honest answers on different questions.
.I like the surrounding colour and the texture of the land.the land is a hexagon that reminds me of bee hive but colour red and white. If i have a change to change something i would probably  change the questions because it’s a bit hard and tricky.



Did you enjoy playing this game and did you learn something?
What are your thoughts about this game?

If you have any other question just leave it down below on the comment section.

Friday 9 March 2018

Hauora Wellbeing

Hauora Wellbeing

Hi there this is my blog post about what we are learning in health.In the slideshow below you gonna see what,I've learned on health.